VIII. Apologies

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Blue anxiously waits at the abandoned factory, arms crossed as she shivers in the cold

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Blue anxiously waits at the abandoned factory, arms crossed as she shivers in the cold. Finally, Freddy and Billy arrive, loudly conversing.

"Yeah! And then he-" Freddy stops speaking as he looks to girl, who looks extremely beaten and bruised. "Are you okay?" Freddy asks, quickly limping over to her and reaching to touch her bruise. "Touch me, and I'll kill you." She says, grabbing his wrist, stopping his hand from proceeding any further.

"Sorry. What happened?" Freddy asks. "None of your business. Now, are we gonna do this or what? I believe we've got some more testing to do." She forces a smile.

"On a brighter note.. I guess... The videos on YouTube are getting a ton of attention. It's awesome." Freddy exclaims. "Yeah! Hundreds of thousand of views!" Billy adds.

"That's awesome." She laughs. "It's really cold up here. Aren't you freezing? Your ears are super red." Billy asks worriedly. "I'll manage." She says, shivering. "Here, take this." Freddy quickly states, grabbing his hat off of his head and placing it on the girl's head.

She wants to yell at him
And throw it back, yet she doesn't. She doesn't have the energy or the attitude to even argue today. Yesterday night was nothing but torture for the girl as she was punched and slapped more than ever.

She could barely sleep either. "Alright, So we need a slogan." Freddy states, taking a seat on a metal box beside billy. "How about, ElectroLoser! Here to kill everyone with his dumbassery." Blue jokes.

"More powerful than a locomotive." Freddy suggests. "Locomotive? What are you? An old prospector?" Billy asks, chuckling. "You both sound like old protectors. I swear to god, who even says the word prospector?" Blue cuts in.

"Can leap tall buildings in a single bound!" Freddy exclaims. "We never actually established that I can do that." Billy comments. "So? Let's try! What are you waiting for?" Blue asks.

They make their way down to the streets, filming as Billy prepares to jump up the top of a building. "I don't know, guys. That building seems pretty tall." Blue states hesitantly. "Oh, come on. I'm sure I can do this." Billy says. "Alright, go!" Freddy speaks up, starting the video.

Billy jumps up with force, making it at least twenty feet in the air before crashing into a window. Blue gasps, placing a hand on her mouth in shock. "Holy shit."

"Your phone's charged. Billy zaps a stranger's phone as they walk through the mall cheerfully. "Your phone's charged."

"You know, you really need like a- like um.. a catchphrase after you do something cool." Freddy comments. "I was just thinking about that! How about this; That's why you don't mess with electricity!" Billy suggests.

Blue laughs, rolling her eyes. "Catchphrases obviously aren't one of your superpowers." Freddy says. "Well.  You think you can do better?" Billy asks, zapping another phone.

The phone lasts about five seconds before erupting in small explosions. "What the hell?" The man says angrily. "Ooh. I have a catchphrase. ElectroLoser, lightning bolts away!" Blue screams, before bolting away at fast speed.

"Let there be light." Billy states, then excitedly uses his powers to create a flow of soda cans fly out of the vending machine. They begin drinking, blue taking her time.

"I don't feel so good, guys. I don't think I should drink much more." She says hesitantly. "Alright. More for us." Billy shrugs.

After drinking about twenty cans, Billy speeds into the restroom, leaving blue and Freddy. "Shazam!" He shouts.

Just as he does, a random man runs out of the bathroom, clearly startled as he struggles to zip up his fly. Blue chuckles, placing a hand on her forehead. Freddy turns to the girl with a smile, which she returns.

"You guys are gross. Are you seriously doing this?" Blue asks in annoyance as Billy prepares to enter the strip club. "I'm curious, okay?" Billy argues.

Billy enters confidently. "So.." Blue says awkwardly. "So.." Freddy repeats. "Do you want your hat back? I think I'll be fine." The girl asks. "I'm good. You can keep it."

"Thanks, Freddy." She smiles. "You're welcome, I guess." The two remain in an awkward silence as they patiently wait for Billy to return. "I'm really sorry." Blue quickly states, turning to face the curly headed boy.

"For What?" He asks. "Everything. Hurting you.. and all that. I never really understood or thought about how you felt." She sighs. "It's okay. I'm used to it."

"Anyways, you're pretty cool now that you're nice." Freddy chuckles. "Don't get used to it. I can be mean whenever I want." She jokes, nudging his shoulder.

The two smile to each other for a moment without saying a word, until billy finally barges out.

Fredy jumps up, smiling. "What'd you'd see? What'd you'd see? We're there boobies?" He asks. Blue rolls her eyes. "Why aren't you talking?" Freddy asks, holding the camera close. "We're gonna need more money." Billy states.

"Why? You were in there for like, five minutes." Freddy questions. "They were very convincing!"

"You're so gross, oh my god." Blue says.

The three look around, checking if anyone is around. "Coast clear." Blue whispers. Billy takes his opportunity, and zaps the ATM machine. Money begins flying out, spreading everywhere.

They try to grab as much as they can before giving up and running away before it's too late.

"Today was awesome, guys. I'll see you both tomorrow." Blue smiles. "Alright! Meet us at our house! We're gonna play video games!" Freddy calls.

"You got it!" She chuckles, then begins walking back home.

She enters the dark home, finding no one around. "Blue?" Brett asks, walking down the steps. "What do you want?" She sighs, placing her jacket on the hanger, holding Freddy's hat in her hands.

"I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday. I didn't want for any of that to happen." He sighs. "Yeah. Well it did." She responds, shoving past him as she makes her way into her room.

"I promise, I'll talk to Burke. He was being unreasonable. We know you only talk to him because of your project." Brett follows her inside.

"Yeah." She simply says. "Alright. Um.. Burke and Dad will be home soon. I'll leave you alone." Brett walks out of the room, shutting the door.

Blue sighs, looking to the blue hat as she places it in her drawer.

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