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🍯Honey pov

Ever since Johnathan has been home something has been weird. He's been acting so strange. Hiding his phone and taking it everywhere he goes. Sometimes when I'm talking to him his mind is elsewhere,like he's dazed off into another world. He's not as affectionate as he used to be. He used to couldn't keep his hands off me and his dick out of me. We'd get down anywhere. As a matter of fact, he's been home almost two weeks and we hadn't had sex. All we've done is I gave him some head his first day back and he wasn't even into it. I don't know what happened while he was in Memphis visiting his parents but something was way off now. And I had a funny feeling all the answers layed right in that phone he kept on his side. I was going to get to the bottom of this. I wanted my husband back.

My name is Amber Mack but everybody calls me Honey. It was a nickname my dad gave me when I was a kid. He said my skin was like warm honey glistening in the sun. Not too many people were fans of syrup, jam, jelly, but everyone loved Honey.

Johnathan and I had been married for 2 years. We had been together for almost six. We were high school sweethearts. When I laid eyes on him the first day of freshman year I knew he was the man I was going to marry. He had the most beautiful chocolate skin I'd ever seen. And he had full dimples on both sides of his cheeks. He was tall and slim and kind of geeky and shy. I was more popular. My sisters and I were known as the bougie clan of the school. I was the only bbw but I swear I had the most confidence and the most boyfriends lol.
When I approached Johnathan one day he seemed shocked and I was smitten by him. He wasn't like any other guy I'd ever met.

From that day forward we were inseparable. I inspired him to step out of his comfort zone. Believe in himself. I even signed him up for Football tryouts. Nobody knew he had the desire to play but me. I wanted to see him live out his dreams because I was for sure going to live out mine. I was a star. And I was going to be a fashion designer if my life depended on it.

Freshman year he didn't make the team and he was very discouraged. But I didn't let him wallow I pushed him. Finally junior year he decided to try out again and he made it. I must say he was the best on the team. He lead them to be undefeated that year and took home the MVP trophy. I was there at every game cheering him on.

Senior year he was captain of the team and lead them to another undefeated victory. There were scouts from everywhere trying to recruit him. They were trying so hard to get him to go pro but he had other dreams. College. Nobody could talk him out of it . So there we went together. To college. His family relocated to Tennessee from Georgia and I followed. We attend TSU together. By the end of the first semester I found out I was pregnant with our son Mega.

Scouts still were hitting him from every angle in hopes that he would sign at the next draft. Then I got pregnant again. Year two of college and scouts still were chasing him to come to the league. And so he did. I guess having kids changed something in him. I told him to follow his heart and wherever it lead him I'd follow. So two days after giving birth to our beautiful babygirl, Peace, he signed a football contract for 26 million dollars for four seasons with the Cincinnati Beagles.
And off we were. We'd been here for all of 4 weeks before he was called back to Tennessee by his mom. His dad was really sick and she needed help. I stayed in our new home decorating and taking care of our baby.

Days turned to weeks and then almost a month before he came home. It was time for practice to start at this point and he had no time for me. His excuse was he was tired and focused on practice but I know it was something else. Johnathan has never been the private type. We shared everything. Now his phones had passcodes. He whispered on the phone a lot and walked out the room to have conversations. Any quality time we spent together he was only attentive to Mega and Peace, never me.
Maybe I was insecure after having the baby or maybe I wasn't tripping at all. Either way something had to give.

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