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☀️Sunny pov

I was heading on my flight to Cincinnati to attend Honeys wedding. She had called and checked on me when I moved back to Memphis since it was spur of the moment. We wasn't that close but I appreciated her friendship.

Keenan was going to meet me at the airport since he was my date. We had been going strong for these two months. I was really fuckin feelin him. He spent six weeks on the road for playoffs until his team was eliminated. After that he came to Memphis for a few days and then went home. He lived in Cincinnati .

We spent every night on FaceTime getting to know eachother. It got to the point where I couldn't fall asleep without hearing his voice. And if the phone hung up I was calling right back until he woke up and answered and we went to sleep again. I was infatuated with this man.

He was so gentle and sweet and considerate. He spent all his free time talking to me. He sent me roses and flowers and gifts every week. He asked about my day. He sang 90's R&B to me. We watched movies on FaceTime together. He was the best part of my day and he made sure to let me know I was his. I had met his mama via FaceTime. I met his sisters and his daughter. They all welcomed me and treated me like they'd known me forever.

When my flight landed I hurried and retrieved my bag and rushed to the exit. And there he was.

In some black balmain jeans with a balenciaga tee and some balenciaga sneakers

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In some black balmain jeans with a balenciaga tee and some balenciaga sneakers. His dreads were in a ponytail and his beard was lined up nicely. He smiled and held his arms open as I walked towards him. He gripped my waist as I stepped into his arms and put my hands around his neck. He smelled heavenly.

I finally stopped the embrace and he opened the door to his 2020 BMW X6. It was customized matte black exterior and black and red leather seats inside. The dash had lights on it and so did the roof and floorboards. It looked exotic in here.

"So how was your flight" he asked snapping me out my admiration.

"It was cool. Good. I'm just glad it's over with now" I said .

He laughed. He knew I was always anxious on a plane.

"Well. What you got planned for the day? You chillin or you wanna go out" he asked.

"I mean. The ceremony is not until tomorrow afternoon so I guess I can chill with you today. I mean if you're free"

"Hell yea. I been missin the fuck out you luv"

"But we talk everyday" I said blushing.

"That's different. I miss yo aura. Yo smell. Yo whole lil vibe" he said.

I didn't even know what to say.

"So ima drop you off at yo hotel cuz I gotta make a run. Then ima pick u up at around 4. Take you to the best soul food place in Cin City baby" he said cockily.

"That's cool. I can take a nice bath and take a nap. Wear off that flight"

He dropped me off and I did exactly what I said I would. Eunique woke me up at like 1 calling me. I told her I was hanging out with my new boo today and that I'd see her tomorrow.

At 3 on the dot he was knocking at my room door. I opened up for him and went back to the bathroom to finish getting ready. He stood in the doorway just looking at me.

"Whatttt" I asked glancing at him.

"Shit. You just look fine as fuck" he said.

"Awww thanks bae" I said walking over and giving him a peck on the lips.

Oh shit. That was our first kiss.

"Well damn. Can you do that again" he asked.

I walked over to him and put my hand around his neck gripping his head. He gripped my waist. I stood on my tip toes and locked my lips on his. He eased my lips apart and slid his tongue in my mouth. We stood there kissing like two teenagers for minutes.

"Ooooh weeee is it hot in here to you" I said stepping back.

He laughed at me. I was all flustered.

I finished getting ready and we headed down to to his truck hand in hand. I was smiling so hard. I hadn't been this happy in so long.

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