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🍯Honey pov

"Hey babe I made you breakfast" I said standing at the foot of the bed watching as he scrolled on his phone. No reaction.

"Johnathan. Babe did you hear me" I said tapping his foot.

He looked up into my eyes with a grimace before a forced smile appeared.

"Thank you baby I'll be right there in a minute" he said.

I turned and headed back into the kitchen. What the hell was wrong with him.

When he came in I sat his plate before him and sat back down across from him. I just looked at him wondering. Where did things go wrong so quickly.

"Johnathan what's wrong with you" I asked

"What do you mean baby?" He said.

"I mean you've been acting weird ever since u got back from Memphis. It's been weeks and everything feels different now"

He sighed.

"I told you I'm just stressed from practice"

"Bullshit. Johnathan you know that's bullshit. So tell me the truth. What did I do wrong" I asked fighting back tears threatening to escape my eyes.

"Baby you didn't do anything wrong. I love you. I'm sorry if you feel I haven't been treating you right but practice..."

"Just stop" I said putting my hand up to his face

"Stop it right now. I'm so tired of hearing the word practice. So practice has you hiding your phone and putting codes and shit on it? Practice has you so distracted you haven't touched me since you've been back" I said tears finally falling as my lip quivered.

"Honey, please don't cry baby. I'm sorry. I'll fix it I promise" he said pulling me into his arms.

I fell right into them as he gripped me tightly and I clung to his chest.

"I love you Johnathan. If something has changed I deserve to know. I just had your baby for Christ sake " I said.

"Nothing has changed. I love you. I'm in love with you . Ima fix it." He promised.

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