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☀️Sunny pov

We met up at the 24 hr cafe in downtown. He came with a whole crowd of Mfers. I wasn't impressed. I was more so impressed on how fuckin sexy he looked with those long ass dreads. I imagined gripping them around my hands while he devoured my body with his mouth.

I smiled as he walked over to our booth and sat across from us. He smiled back at me showing me his white teeth and that bottom grill I remembered.

"Now I remember you" I said smiling with my eyes.

"Aw yea" he said grinning.

"Yea. I remember that grill. That shit is sexy as hell" I said biting my lip.

He smiled. Damn what a masterpiece.

"Nice to meet you. I'm keenan" he said diverting his attention to Shakes who was damn near drooling.

"Aw excuse my rudeness. Keenan this is my bff Shakes. Shakes keenan" I said as they shook hands.

"Trust me. I know who you are" she said. "But is that devante Wright over there that came with you" she asked him.

"Yea. That's bro" he said looking back at the booth his crew was at.

Shakes stood up and adjusted her skirt.

"Excuse me. Y'all have fun" she said walked towards the crew.

I shook my head.

"Ya girl sum else" he said.

"Yea I know"

"So what u doin in Memphis" he asked.

"This my city man. I should be asking you that" I chuckled.

"Aww Yea." He asked smiling at me.

"Hell yea. Soooo what you doing in Memphis"

"Came to celebrate with my guys before we get on the road for playoffs" he responded.

"Aww ok so you're a ball player. What team?" I asked sipping my cup of water.

"The sixers. You really don't know who I am"

"Other than being the guy from Costco? No. I mean I'm not into sports like that" I responded.

"Damn. Guess I gotta get you to a few games. You gone be my biggest fan?" He asked flirtingly.

"Sure. As long as you're good."

"Babygirl u ain't seen nothing yet. So where ya man at?"

"I'm single"

"So where ya hoes at?"

"Hoesssss. Ion got those boo"

"You got some stalkers somewhere then"

"I meannnnn. Maybe" I said hunching my shoulders.

"Awww shit. I gotta get the uzi or the glock fuckin with u"

I laughed out loud.

"Naw it's not like that. I'm just fresh out a relationship. It's been two months. He's not over it but I am" I said honestly.

"I can see why. You're beautiful ma. He's a goddamn dummy fuckin up with you" he said.

I blushed like a mfer.

We ordered food and ate and laughed and talked and laughed some more.

"Well I had fun Mr Keenan but I have to get going. It's almost 4 am and I have to open my store in a few hours" I said.

"Awww Yea. A businesswoman . I respect that. Let me get you home" he said standing up and reaching for my hand.

I took his hand in mine as we walked towards the exit. Shakes was all up on some nigga who I would assume is devante.

"Shakes we leaving." I said.

"Go head girl. Ima ride with Tae Tae" she said drooling over this man and waving me off.

"You sure" I asked hesitantly.

"Yea boo. I'll text u when I get home" she said.

"Ok girl. Goodnite everyone" I said as Keenan and I headed out and he walked me towards my car.

"So can I call you" he asked opening my door for me.

"Sure. Why not?" I said before reading my number off to him.

"Ima text you right now so u can have my number ma. Call me as soon as you make it in" he said .

I agreed and drove off towards my condo. I literally smiled the whole way. I know I said I was done with athletes but it was something special about Keenan.

Oooh weeee he made me feel like sunshine was in my panties. But more importantly he asked me a lot about who I was on a mental level. He asked about my goals and dreams and interests. That's something JT never did.

So as soon as I made it in, showered and got into bed I texted Keenan to let him know I was home.

He instantly called.

"Hello" I said sleepily.

"I'm glad you're good. Thought I was gone have to come looking for u" he said.

"Nah. I just took a shower and got into bed first. But glad to know you're on it" I laughed.

"I had fun with you tonight. You're an amazing woman. I look forward to getting to know more about you"

"Me too. You're cool as hell" I responded.

"Yeah. Well I'm leaving for LA in two days. I'd love to enjoy your company until then. What you on tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well I'll be at my boutique mostly and then I have a 5 o clock meeting. Before I close at 7. After that I'm free"

"Have dinner with me" he said.

"Sure. Call me tomorrow with the details."

"Aight bet. I'll holla at you tomorrow luv"

"Ok. Goodnight"

"Goodnight future bae" he said.

I smiled as I ended the call.

Damn damn damn. I hope I don't get in over my head. I was going to take things slow this time. Keenan was a nice guy. Something like what I'd been praying for. God, I had to play my position right this time.

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