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🍯Honey pov

While Johnathan was away visiting his family in Memphis I decided to do some investigating. I was sick and tired of laying next to a man every night who wouldn't touch me. I mean even when I tried to cuddle him he would move my hand or turn his body away. I cried myself to sleep every night , wondering what the hell happened so quickly and drastically. Our marriage was dissolving right before my very eyes and I was dead set on getting to the bottom of shit.

I searched through his computer and came up empty handed. I looked at our bank records and sure enough there were purchases that I didn't understand. His parents owned a five bedroom home that he'd purchased them, what reason did he have to be staying in hotels?
There were charges for expensive dinners, store purchases at jewelers, Gucci, fendi, Prada, and a few boutiques I knew sold women's clothing. I never received any gifts from him so who was he buying all this shit for?

What really startled me was that I'd found a deed to a condo he'd purchased here in Cincinnati. We never discussed anything about him purchasing a property. And what the hell did he need a condo for anyway.

I poured myself a double shot of Jack Daniels and took it to the head. It was only 2 pm but dammit I needed a drink. A few actually. I poured another shot and downed that one too before logging into our Sprint account. This was my last step.

I checked his phone history and there was only one number he texted and called all the time. It was a Tennessee area code and I didn't recognize the number at all. I punched the number into my phone and stared at it. Did I really want to know? I took another shot before I pressed dial on the phone. Straight to voicemail.

I sighed and took a few deep breaths to release my nerves.

"Get it together Honey" I said to myself.

I looked over at our daughter sleeping in the bed.

He'd be a fool to risk his family. Maybe all this so called evidence was circumstantial. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for it all. I was trying to convince myself. But doubt was riding my back . I took two more shots as the liquor starting taking affect.

I hadn't heard from Johnathan since yesterday evening and he was not answering his phone. Maybe he was with whoever that phone number belonged to. I pulled out my phone and dialed him again. His phone just rang and rang til I got the voicemail.

I don't know what moved me but I dialed that number again. I was surprised to hear it ringing now.

I held my breath and then someone picked up.

"Hello" She said giggling.

"Hellllllo" she sang.

I hung up quickly as tears streamed down my eyes. I didn't know what I'd expected. I knew it was possible but I wanted so deeply for my intuition to be wrong. This was the man I loved. The man I'd devoted my life to. Who the hell was this woman he'd been talkin to? And for how long?

I wanted answers . And I wouldn't stop until I got them. I was a good girl but had some dangerous ways about me. Johnathan has no idea the can of worms he'd just opened.

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