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☀️Sunny pov

I felt like shit the whole way back to the room. I looked at my phone seeing over a hundred missed calls and texts. I damn near pissed my pants when I got off the elevator and saw Lucas standing at the room door with officers. His eyes nearly burst out his head as he saw me and rushed towards me.

That only made me feel worse. He really cared about me and here I was about to break his heart.

"Lucas I'm sorry I ran off like that but I needed to clear my mind. " I said pacing the room.

"Clear your mind from what Sunny? What's wrong" he asked looking up at me from where he sat.

"I'm sorry Lucas. I can't be with you. I'm still in love with someone. I didn't want to hurt you but I'm sorry" I said hanging my head low.

"In love with who? I give you everything you desire. I make love to you. I'm in love with you" he said sounding so wounded.

My heart was on the floor now. I could see the hurt and anger and confusion all over his face.

"My ex. It's a long story Lucas. I'm sorry . I have to go" I said starting to pack my things.

"Ok sunny. If that's what you want. Just know I love you. Im in love with you. But I'm not going to wait on you while you play games" he said storming off to the bathroom.

Tears filled my eyes as I gathered all of my things and headed to the door. I hate that I had to do things this way. I hate that I brought Lucas into my mess but I loved Johnathan and I wanted to be with him.

When I made it upstairs to his suite he answered the door naked. I just looked and admired every inch of his body. So chocolate and sexy and he tasted so sweet on my tongue.

I stepped inside and we made love all night until the morning. True to his word we rose in the am and headed straight to the airport. I was on my way to Cincinnati with the love of my life.

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