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☀️Sunny pov

It had been a few months since Johnathan left and the football pre-season had started. I hadn't heard from him at all beyond a few text messages. I don't know what happened but this was not the man who came and swept me off my feet months ago.

I would blow his phone up and got no answer. Then one time we were on FaceTime and I swear I heard a female in the background call him bae before he abruptly ended the conversation. I called him back to back and he didn't answer but popped up hours later calling me while he was at the gym.

My mind was everywhere. Did he have a woman up there? Did he have a family he didn't tell me about? And why would he swoop into my life, make me fall in love and just leave me like that?

Time went on and I just stopped chasing his ass. I was too beautiful to be wasting my time chasing a nigga who didn't want me. I thought he was different. But hell, I guess a leopard always shows his spots eventually.

I was back in the club dancing full time. It was the end of the semester and I had passed all my finals so college was on hold until a few months. I was making at least 10k every night.

One night Lil Baby and Gunna came and performed and I made over $50k. I didn't even know how to carry all that money . I was definitely the baddest Stripper in the land period.

I had met me a nice handsome guy and we were seeing one another. Every now and again I found myself comparing him to Johnathan but I would stop myself. Lucas may not have been Johnathan but he was a good man. And he was here. And he wanted me. And he made time for me. That's all that mattered to me.

Lucas and I got pretty serious quickly. He confessed his love to me and would spoil me to death. He owned his own technology firm and co-instructed at the college I attended.

One day he and I were in downtown Los Angeles shopping and who do we run into? Johnathan. I swear all of the breath I had in my body escaped as soon as I laid eyes on him.

"Baby are you ok" Lucas asked as I stopped walking.

I blinked myself back to reality and assured him I was ok. I had just seen an old friend that I thought I'd never see again.

We continued our shopping trip. While in the Gucci store in walks Johnathan. This time he spotted me and I could feel his eyes on me as Lucas gripped my waist .

When I finally looked back his way he was gone. And my phone went off three times indicating I had text messages.

I eased and looked at them and sure enough it was him. And he seemed upset. Like I was the one who ghosted him. Damn did he have his nerve. I didn't even respond I just threw my phone back into my purse and picked out the bag and sandals that I wanted. Lucas paid for it all and we headed back to our hotel.

All that night I couldn't get Johnathan off my mind. I couldn't help but feel that He was my one true love. The one who got away. I looked at Lucas sleeping next to me as he gripped me firmly. He was a good man. But I'm not sure he was the one for me. I still loved Johnathan.

I reached over and grabbed my phone and texted him back.

Me: you have some nerve. You disappeared on me remember? So please don't worry about what I did in my life after you left me.

Him:... I didn't leave you. Things got hard and I didn't have time. I still love you

Me: I still love you too JT but I've move on

Him: if that were true you wouldn't be texting me

Me: lol I'm texting to tell you I've moved on.

Him: come meet me

Me: no wtf. Did u miss what I said. We're done.

Him: meet me and tell me that face to face. Then I'll leave you alone .

Me: where

Him: ritz Carlton. Right now. Master suite

Me: 5 minutes. We're staying here too.

I looked up to the ceiling as I took a few deep breaths. This was risky. But I had to show his ass I was done.

I eased from under Lucas and was relieved when he didn't stir or wake.

I got up from the bed and put on my pajamas and robe. I grabbed the room key  and my phone and eased out the door.

I walked to the elevator and pressed for the top floor. When the elevator dinged my breath was caught in my throat. I felt like I was floating as I traveled down the hallways to the master suite.

I stood outside the door hesitating to knock. But before I could he opened the door. Memories came back as I stared at his bare chest. Lust filled my eyes as I remember how his body felt on top of mine. He stepped aside and let me in.

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