Chapter 3

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It's been 8 months since the day that Jungkook fell into Seokjin's penthouse apartment through the skylight. Needless to say, the two became fast friends after their initial reservations of each other. Jungkook began living with Seokjin since that day. Jin refused to listen to any of Kook's misgivings.

First, he accompanied Jin to work. Surprisingly, Kook was a fast learner and quite competent too. He became Jin's personal assistant and settled into the job with so much ease that sometimes Jin wondered how he had managed this long without help from Jungkook.

A few months into working at the modelling agency, Jin realised that Kook had a natural talent when it came to photography. He just lacked some skills, which would be easily remedied had he done a course in photography. And that's what he wanted to speak to him about tonight.

"Kookie? Come to the living room when you're done changing," Jin tells him outside the former guest room, and now Kook's room.

"Okay hyung. I'll be out in just a sec."

Jin sat on the couch, sipping a glass of red wine, waiting for Jungkook.

"Hey hyung. I'm here. What did you want to talk about?" He says, settling himself on the opposite couch.

Jin studies the boy from head to foot. He looks virtually unrecognizable as the boy that he found bundled on his rug, that night. His body has become firm and muscular. The veins in his strong, sinewed arms, more prominent. Jin's eyes travel to his slim waist and wide shoulders. Then to Jungkook's sharp jawline and sculpted cheekbones.

No, this man before him, is nothing like the boy he first encountered 8 months ago. Seokjin ogled him a little longer than he should have until Jungkook snapped his fingers in front of his face, attempting to break his reverie.

Jin was jolted back to reality and looked at Kook awkwardly before clearing his throat loudly.

"Kookie, I've decided I want you do go to photography school for a six months course."

Jungkook's jaw dropped. He didn't get to complete school and without a high school diploma, he didn't see how he could get into a school for photography. He looked at his hyung sheepishly.

"Hyung, I don't think that's a very good idea. Please don't get me wrong. I will forever be grateful to you for what you have done for me, but I didn't finish school. I know I won't be allowed there." He looked down sadly.

Jin chuckled at his cuteness and continued.

"Kookie, I've already spoken to the head of the school. He's a friend of mine and he has agreed to take you on a scholarship program for talented students. I sent him samples of your work. He was very impressed."

Jungkook was dumbfounded by his hyung's veracity. He was so thankful for all that he had done for him but he didn't know how to turn his hyung down, so he accepted the offer readily.

Jin was overjoyed. He wanted to give Kookie the world. Someone as talented as he, deserved every opportunity. But there was a slight problem. He didn't know if Kook would accept this condition.

"Urm, Kookie, you'll have to stay on campus for the duration of the course though," Jin said, biting down on his plump bottom lip, nervously.

"I'd have to stay away from you, hyung?" He asked Jin, his eyes almost filling with tears. He looked away trying to hide his emotions.

Jin, who was already fighting an internal battle of emotions himself, looked away, unable to see the pain reflected in Kook's eyes.

"It will only be for 6 months Kookie, then you can return to me. I promise, you will always have a home with me," Jin said, tearing up finally.

Immediately, Jungkook was at his feet, imploring Jin with his eyes. Jungkook had so many things in his heart that he wanted to voice, but words failed him beholding the beauty that is Seokjin, before him.

Instead, he leaned in tentatively and wiped the tears away that graced Jin's beautiful cheeks. It was the first time that he had touched Jin so intimately. A wave of desire coursed through Jungkook's body but he held himself back, disgusted with himself. How could he feel this way about his handsome, kind-hearted hyung.

Jin had been the first person to treat him as a human being. He could never betray that kindness with his sinful desires. Instead, he bowed low to him and took his leave. He fell onto his bed, tears overtaking him finally. He would never be the cause of disappointment to his hyung.

Meanwhile, Seokjin, sat on the couch alone. Surely, he had felt that desire that Jin felt. But why had he not reciprocated? Did he disgust Kookie that much? Seokjin sipped on his wine and nursed his broken heart alone. Was he so unworthy of the love he felt for Jungkook?

His eyes were clouded by dreams. Dreams of never attaining Jungkook. All he can do is be his hyung, his well-wisher but he can never hope for more than that. Jungkook would never see him as his lover.

Jin woke up from the couch and made his way to his bedroom upstairs while Jungkook slowly got off his own bed, and began packing his bags. He didn't want to cause Jin any pain and undue stress.

The following morning, Seokjin dropped Jungkook off at his new dorms. He helped him settle in but before he left, he hugged him tightly and pecked his cheek. Jungkook was so shocked that he hadn't had time to react until Jin was already out the door.

He stood in the middle of his dorm room, stunned at where life had brought him. He resolved to be the best at his new school, only for his Jin, only to be a source of pride for the man who had not only opened his home to him but also his heart.


Hey my swties. I know this story is slow to start but the pace will be picking up soon.

This story is full of angst so I'm going to apologise beforehand.

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😘

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