Chapter 12

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Jungkook's POV

"So you're the famous Jungkook that Jinnie can't stop talking about?"

I smile sheepishly.

"I wouldn't say 'famous' and hyung likes to exaggerate when it comes to me."

"I do not! Don't listen to him Yoongs. He's bloody brilliant!" Seokjin calls from the kitchen. He was busy in there with the maid getting us all snacks.

Seokjin's old college friend, Dr Min Yoongi and his boyfriend, Jung Hoseok were visiting before Jin's big birthday bash. Hoseok is a famous idol. He's a rapper and producer. I've been observing them for the last half hour and they are so different in their personalities. I wonder how they met.

The doctor's gaze hasn't shifted off me since he sat down. As he sips on his appetizer, his bold eyes, scan my face. It's quite unnerving but I'm used to people staring at me.

"You seem very familiar though, Jungkook. Do you have family in Busan?"

I scoff at his question. I used to be a homeless orphan. No one owns me. I've never had any family or love from anyone until I met my Jin hyung. I'm saved from answering his intrusive questions when Jin hyung enters with some hors d'oeuvres.

"Jungkook's from Seoul Yoongs. I told you that before." He scolds his inquisitive friend.

"Please don't mind him Jungkook, Yoongi likes to get people flustered," Hoseok says, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend.

They stay for another hour, after playing and gushing over Sangook. When he's all tired out, I take him up to his room and pat him to sleep on my chest. I've become really attached to him these last few days. Maybe Jin hyung is right, I shouldn't be doing so much for him as I'll be leaving soon and he'll have to deal with a fussy child. But I cant help it. He's so cute and lovable.

Seokjin enters the room after seeing his friends off. Namjoon is at work and Jimin had gone to visit his folks as he's leaving after the party tomorrow. I place a sleeping Sangook onto his bed and turn to face my hyung. After our kiss yesterday, we haven't addressed the elephant in the room.

"Kookie, I think we need to talk," he says, watching me tuck Sangook in bed. I lean down and kiss his forehead before rounding on Jin.

"I'm sorry hyung. I don't know what comes over me whenever you're around. I can't seem to control myself. I understand if you want me to leave," I say sadly.

He rushes up to me and caresses my cheek softly, gazing into my eyes.

"Please, no Kookie. I don't want you to leave. Although I know it's wrong, I can't stay away from you either."

He begins to place his hands on my chest and I suck in a deep breath. He looks up into my eyes and I'm mesmerized by his soft, gentle gaze. It's true, I crave him as much as he craves me but I can't ruin his marriage and his life. He has a doting husband, a beautiful child and a happy home. All I would do, is ruin everything for him and it's not fair on any of us.

I place my own hands over his and pull them away from me, as much as it pains me to do it. I intertwine our fingers and bring his hand up to place soft kisses on his fingers. I love him so much.

"Jin hyung....I-I can't do this. It's wrong! You have Namjoon and Sangook and all I'll be doing, is wrecking your beautiful life. I could never hurt you that way."

He smiles sadly at my words, as though he was expecting them. He leans his head into my chest and just lets out a deep sigh. I feel his hands snake up my back and hold me tightly. I reciprocate and soon we're holding onto each other, as fat tears fall down our cheeks.

I lift his head to face me, gazing into his beautiful doe eyes and I know in that moment, I'll never love another like the way I love my Jin hyung. He's too precious to me. I place a soft kiss on his lips. They taste salty from his tears but I press onto them anyway. He moves his lips against mine in a soothing and sultry dance of our passion. As I deepen the kiss, I feel him whimper and moan into my mouth.

I pour all my love into this one kiss, grasping at his hair, our teeth gnashing against one another. I taste his tongue and deepen my plunging of his wet, juicy mouth. It's sexy and sensual but also full of love and I know in this moment that he loves me just as much as I love him.

When we pull away from each other, I wipe his tears away with my thumb and move to stand next to Sangook's bed. He joins me, placing his hand in mine and leaning on my chest. As we gaze at this little miracle sleeping so soundly, I realise I need to move on if I ever want to have a family of my own someday. Someone to love, children and a happy home. Something that I never had. But I can only do that if I let go of my Jin hyung. It's painful and it will break my heart, but I have to do it.

We both need closure and it's finally time to do that. I think he senses it too because he doesn't fight me when I walk to the door. He looks at me one last time before I head out, and I feel all the love I have for him radiate through my entire being. No matter who I end up with, Jin hyung will always be the greatest love of my life. No one can ever have that status in my heart.

I make my way to the guest room and think about the day I fell into his house through the skylight. Jin hyung caught me then and saved my life, the least I can do is save his life in return.

I'm sorry swties...Jinkook is failing here again. 😢😢

When will they ever be happy together? 😐

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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