Chapter 29

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A/N: Thank you for over 14K reads on this book. A special shoutout to all of you who reads, votes, comments & adds my work to your reading lists. I truly appreciate all your love & support 💜

Jungkook's POV

Jin hyung, Sangook and I made our way to Busan by train. Sangook really wanted to travel in it as he'd never been in one before. Although, he was rather disappointed at first, thinking that it would be a steam engine. His appa and I smiled softly at this. Although he's learnt about them in school, he had hoped to have seen some like the ones he'd read about in the Harry Potter novels. To curb his disappointment, I promised to take him to the local carnival when we were done with our meeting.

We didn't tell him much about this meeting except to say that it was with a family member that we hadn't seen in a long while and he had wanted to see him as well. Sangook had happily accepted this reason but in the short time that I'd gotten to know my son, I knew he knew we were keeping something from him but chose not to comment. He was very perceptive but diplomatic about what he could and should question.

I rather liked these qualities about my son. It showed a mature line of thinking and a deeper understanding of the character of people. I was very comfortable in conversations with him and he with me so I didn't understand why Jin hyung wanted to keep him in the dark about things. But I respected his opinions and didn't question his reasons. I was also trying to avoid an argument which I knew I would eventually lose.

As we neared our destination, I became extremely nervous but Jin hyung held my hand tightly and smiled at me encouragingly. I was blessed to have him in my life. I don't think I would have been able to confront my father without his support. We were about to join the line of taxis when a man dressed in a drivers' uniform approached us and said that a car had been sent for us. We were expected.

We followed him to a black Hyundai SUV and Sangook's eyes widened in awe when he saw that it was a Palisade. He knew much about cars unlike me or Jin. The ride was uneventful, except for Sangook who was excited to see a new city and experience some time away from the hospitals, nurses and doctors that had plagued his life for a few months now.

"Mr Jeon Jungkook, Mr Kim Seokjin and Master Kim Sangook to see the master of the house Mr Shin Jihun." We were duly announced as we entered a huge gated mansion with sprawling acres of lush, green lawns and a number of expensive cars parked outside. I thought there were more guests but Sangook informed me that many men with abundant wealth, displayed their vehicles like this on a daily basis. So the 15 cars of various designs and companies, all belonged to my father, Shin Jihun.

We were seated in a large foyer until the doors were pulled opened and a tall man, who looked a lot like me, of medium built, and an upright constitution, walked in and took in my small family with expectant eyes. We all stood up awkwardly and I held on to Jin hyung's hand harder.

This was my father, Shin Jihun.

" son!" His eyes filled with tears and I suddenly found myself forgetting everything I had planned on saying and doing, when my feet moved of their own volition to the man in front of me. He too closed the distance between us wordlessly, and embraced me in a tight bear hug that soon became tearful until he sagged against me and I half carried, half walked him to the couch in the room. Jin hyung helped me to settle him on the couch where he proceeded to smile softly and continued to let small tears fall down his cheeks.

"You have no idea how I have longed for this moment my son," my father cried. I just held him, unable to voice anything. When I had discovered that Sangook was my son, I was over the moon, so I could understand very well what my father was feeling right now. Every question, every hateful thought that I had against him, all flew out the window. He was my father and that was that. My blood, the blood of my son and the blood of my unborn child. And in that moment I forgave him everything.

"Father, this is my boyfriend, Seokjin and our son, Sangook."

He hugged Seokjin tightly. The tears that flowed when he embraced Sangook, were indescribable.

"I have a grandchild. I have a grandchild." He chanted.

"No father, you have two. Seokjin is expecting our second child."

He caressed my Jin hyung's cheek lovingly. "I cannot begin to explain the joy you have given me Seokjin. You are a treasure to me." And he kissed hyung on his forehead. My heart clenched.

"But why is he just your boyfriend? Why haven't you married him as yet?" My father chided me. It felt good to be scolded by him. I felt loved.

"It's complicated father," was all I could say.

"I see. Is it because you had no family?" I was shocked at my father's power of perception. Sangook probably inherited this trait from him then.

"My parents are very old school and biased Mr Shin. They will never accept Jungkook because he was homeless and an orphan for many years," my hyung said sadly, a small tear running down his cheek.

To my surprise, my father got up. He looked at us as though we were from Mars.

"Well? Aren't we going to Seoul? I need my son to have his family rightfully and not suffer like I did. Let's go meet the in laws," he smiled warmly at my hyung.

I was gobsmacked. "Father, you don't need to do this."

"Oh but I do my son. I want the world to know that you are my son, my heir and this is my family," he indicated my hyung and Sangook. "I've waited so many years for you son. I've pined and grieved for your mother. You will not go through what I did."

"But father, I was born out of wedlock. How will they accept me?" I was sad and dejected.

"Wasn't Sangook born out of wedlock too and you want your unborn to have the same fate? Come son, don't stand on ceremony. Let's go get you married." He smiled and patted my shoulder. It was such a fatherly gesture. I looked into his eyes deeply.

"Thank you father. I-I wanted to give you something. It was my mother's."

He looked at me with teary eyes as I removed the necklace with the inscription SJ and placed it in his hand. I watched as he squashed it in his hand and held on to me tightly.

"I gave this to your mother many years ago. It was my way of claiming her as my wife even though we couldn't be married. I loved her so much. I still do."

"Please keep it father. She would have wanted you to have it."

He nodded and we walked to the hallway. Sangook was anxious to see the rest of the house and the cars outside as well. My father took him by the hand and we watched as they laughed and ran around into rooms, the kitchen and grounds, like little children on explore. Jin hyung sighed into my shoulder and I knew he was content.

Later that evening, we all visited the carnival since I had promised Sangook. He had a fun time on all of the rides and my father too. With Sangook, he became like a little kid. I suppose it was his chance to re-live my own lost childhood through my son. My heart swelled and I threw all my inhibitions out the window. This was my father and he would make everything right for me and my family.



Thoughts my lovely swties?

Second chances are hard to come by. Don't lose them or you might lose a chance at real happiness. 💖

Thank you for all the love you have been giving my new Jinkook, 'A Piece of Me' 💗

I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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