Seokjin's POV
I watch as my former employee, Taehyung, coos over my Kookie. What the actual fuck! What's going on here? Did I miss something?
"Kook, why didn't you tell me you were going in for major surgery? I would have come in sooner," Taehyung gushes in his drama rama voice. Ugh! I can't stand his diva ways. And why is he limping? I'm so out of tune with the model circuit these days so I don't know what he's been upto.
I smile sweetly at him, squeezing my Kookie's hand in the process. Taehyung's eyes fall on our hands but he doesn't say anything.
"Taetae, baby, you remember Seokjin hyung ofcourse? You worked for him at one time." Jungkook says and I want to murder him for calling Taehyung baby and speaking to him in that tone! How dare he?!
I make a clucking sound and flinch when I realise it was quite loud. They both look at me with concern.
"Of course I remember. He's still as handsome as ever. You don't age do you oppa?" He winks at me and I cringe at that word. He knows I hate that word.
"Obviously, I'm not worldwide handsome for nothing," and I do a cute little aegyo. He giggles but I know it's fake.
Jungkook almost guffaws and I glare at him. He quickly smooths his face out into a blank expression.
"What have you been upto Taeyhungssi? Haven't seen or heard of you in years. I thought your 'face' would be plasted on the cover of Penthouse by now," I smirk at him.
His face falls and Jungkook glares at me. What the fuck did I say? He's always been crude and such a diva, thinking less of everyone around him, with all his tantrum throwing. God, how he used to irritate me back then.
"Taetae works for UNICEF now. He does a lot of goodwill around the world hyung. I don't think you've heard of his accident. He injured his leg and can no longer model."
Fuck! I feel like shit now.
"I'm sorry V, I didn't know," I say, shamefaced.
"It's okay oppa. You didn't know. What's more interesting is how you two hooked up. Kook told me everything about you guys. I always knew you two had something going though," he smiles mischievously and I blush horribly.
"So, is the baby okay? And you, are you alright Kook?"
"He's out of danger for now thanks to his father," I say.
"I can't belive you're a dad Kook. But I'm happy for you guys. I hope you will be a family now."
Taehyung as always, has no filter. I blush profusely and my Kookie squeezes my arm.
"I'll be sure to invite you to the wedding Taetae," Jungkook winks at me and I almost die from his smile alone. He's become so cheeky. I think I like this new, bold Jungkook a lot.
" guys are adorable."
A knock on the door is heard and Namjoon pokes his head in.
"May I come in?"
"Of course. Come in," I say, ushering him in.
"Jungkook, how are you feeling? I came as soon as I heard you were out of surgery."
"I'm fine. And don't stress, Sangook is doing well with the new kidney as well," Jungkook reassures him.
Namjoon looks at me for confirmation. He heaves a sigh of relief when I nod. Small tears escape his eyes and I pat him on his back soothingly.
"It's okay Namjoonah. Our baby is well. Kookie saved him."
He nods, unable to voice anything at his relief.
"Thank you so much Jungkook. I've been beside myself with worry."
"I would do anything for Sangook. He's my son after all," Jungkook says with conviction.
Namjoon just nods his head. The tension in the room is palpable.
"Urm, Namjoon, have I introduced you to my former employee Kim Taehyung?" I say, trying to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory.
Taehyung blushes deeply and shakes Namjoon's hand.
"A pleasure to meet you," Namjoon says formerly.
"Likewise," Taehyung says and I roll my eyes as he checks Namjoon out. Taehyung hasn't changed a bit.
"Would you like to go grab a coffee?" Taehyung asks a startled Namjoon, who out of politeness, accepts but looks at me questioningly.
I just shrug as they make their way to the coffee shop.
When they leave, I burst out laughing and Jungkook looks at me weirdly.
"What's wrong hyung?"
"Did you not see how V was checking Namjoon out. I feel sorry for him. I wish I was a fly on that coffee machine right now."
Jungkook knits his brows. "He likes Namjoon?"
"God, why are you so dense? Yes! He was practically undressing him with his eyes."
"Interesting," Jungkook muses.
I smack him in his arm.
"Owww! What was that for?" He says, rubbing his arm.
"You little creep. Why were so sweet on him? And how do you know him still? What is your relationship with him?" I bombard him with questions.
"Hyung. He's my friend. We became really close when I worked in Africa these past few years. In any case, are you jealous? You cant be serious hyung, when I just asked you to marry me," he throws his arm up in frustration.
My eyes go wide. Marry him? When did he ask me? "W-when did you ask me?" I look at him thoroughly confused.
"Hyung, sometimes you can really be so dense. I invited Taetae to our wedding."
"Pish call that a proposal? Excuse me, but if you want to marry this face, you have to work harder on your proposal. I don't accept."
"When did you become so narcissistic?"
"I was always like this baby. You just need to learn a few things about me. Maybe even jog your memory a bit. I can't wait for you to get out of this hospital, so I can show you exactly what I mean," I say sensually and I feel him shiver at my words. I enjoy teasing him
"Aaah just wait until I get out of this place. I'll make you eat your words."
I laugh lightly. I've got my Kookie and my Gookie back. My life is complete.
Just some fluff for you my swties. You know me, don't trust author-nim just yet 😉😉
BTS carpool karaoke on The Late Late Show with James Cordon is dancing in my head. 😎😎😎
Jin was a riot as expected 😂😂😂I purple you 💜
Love Swty 😙

SKYLIGHT [Completed] ✅
FanfictionJungkook is homeless. He's lived on the streets for so long that he's forgotten there is such a thing as human kindness. Enter Seokjin. Take a peek into the lives of Jungkook and Seokjin and how these two people from different spectrums find one ano...