Chapter 13

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Jungkook's POV

It's my Jinnie's birthday today and his house is crazy busy with so many people. I'm sure he doesn't know half of them. He's always been good at keeping up with appearances as I watch him mill around the room on Namjoon's arm. He looks absolutely gorgeous in a designer suit that hugs his hourglass figure in all the right places. I have to catch myself before I visibly salivate at his perfection.

"Oh there you are my Koochie Koo," Jimin sidles up to me. "I've been looking for you everywhere," he sighs dramatically. At this point, I don't even know why I'm with Jimin anymore. I feel nothing for him and I'm pretty sure I didn't feel much to begin with. I really did try though, it's just that, in my mind, no one can match up to my Jin hyung. I suppose this will be an ongoing issue for me whomever I end up meeting in life.

I have tried to move on from Jin hyung several times but no one has been able to keep me distracted for long. I'm determined this time though. I'm going to move on and not interfere in my hyung's life. He means more to me than anything or anyone.

I smile sadly as Namjoon snakes his arm around Jin's waist possessively. I don't even pay attention to anything Jimin is saying until he huffs in annoyance at my lack of interest in his stupid and vague stories.

"You know, no matter how much you stare at Jin hyung, he's never going to be yours, don't you?"

I gulp my drink and almost spill it's contents. He just looks at me completely annoyed.

"What did you just say?"

"Oh please Jungkook! Don't treat me like one of those dumb hairbrained models that you photograph. I'm more than just a pretty face. At least I know when I can't compete with someone's memories."

He was right and I felt like shit for treating him like he was stupid.

"I'm sorry Jimin hyung. I know my apology isn't much and doesn't carry any weight for the way I've treated you, but if you can find it in your heart to at least forgive me someday, I would appreciate that." I am really sincere with my regretful behaviour and he senses it.

"It's okay Jungkook. I've known for a while now. I did try but I know I'll never match up to Jin hyung and I can see why. He's magnificent in every way. Namjoon really is a very lucky guy. Speaking of Namjoon, he offered me a seat on his private jet. He's leaving for Paris tomorrow on some business and he thought we could travel together. I don't think he told Jin hyung as yet though. Probably doesn't want to spoil his birthday."

I think on what Jimin has just said and my mind reaches for the possibilities of having hyung to myself. But I quickly brush those sinful thoughts aside and give my attention to Jimin.

"Namjoon really does love him a lot. I can see it in everything he does for hyung. I won't ever jeopardize that for them," I say, and Jimin nods his head in understanding.

"I've known Joon for most of my life. He really is a good guy. And they look so happy together. I wish I will have something like that someday with a special someone," he muses, sipping on his drink.

I turn to him. "Jimin hyung, you know you are a great person and you're going to make some lucky guy so happy someday. He better be worthy of you or I'll punch the daylights out of him."

He laughs at my silliness. I'm so happy we've been able to dissolve our relationship amicably. He would be a good friend to keep. We continue to chat until Jin hyung comes up to join us.

"This place is so busy. I didn't know Namjoon was going to call this many people," he sighs heavily.

"Do you wanna get out of here hyung?" Jimin asks.

"I wish!" He sighs again.

"Jungkook, take hyung out the back and I'll cover for you guys," he says conspiratorially. We both stare at him like he's lost some brain cells. "What? I'm just giving you a way to escape for a bit. Go on, take him Jungkook," he pushes us both towards the back. We're both so shocked that we follow his commands blindly.

I grab a hold of Jin hyung's hand, like it was the most natural thing to do in the world. He smiles at me and I turn to see Jimin winking at me before joining the party and diverting attention away from our retreating backs.

When we get outside, I quickly scan the available cars of all the guests and ask the valet to get me the red Ferrari's keys. He runs to get the key and Jin's eyes go wide. It's Hoseok's car. I chuckle and open the door for him before getting into the driver's seat. We race into the winding roads of their vast estate and chuckle like a couple of school kids out on a joyride.

I haven't felt this exhilarated in years. I look over at my hyung and he smiles a wide smile of mischief. He intertwines his hand in mine as I speed through the night, stopping at the lake on the other side of his estate.

When we get out, he surprises me by kicking off his shoes and removing his clothes. Before long, he's buck naked and running into the lake. He chuckles darkly and motions for me to get in with him. I smirk at his audacious behaviour and throw my clothes off just as eagerly. I get into the surprisingly warm water and we're both skinny dipping like college students out on a night of mischief and mayhem.

He laughs lightly when he catches sight of my expression. I'm sure I look like a complete idiot. He snakes an arm around my neck and I pull his body close to me under the water. When our lips meet, I kiss him with the passion and love I've felt for him all these years. He reciprocates and wraps his legs around my hips as I palm his ass, causing him to jump up into my arms. His hands find their way in my hair, pulling and tugging on it wildly. God, I love this man!

When we pull apart, I see all the stars of the universe reflected in his big, beautiful eyes and I fall deeper in love with him. He lets go and laughs lightly as he runs back to the lakeshore. I chase after him, laughing at his cuteness. When I catch him, he yelps and I spin him around before falling onto the soft grass with me landing on top of him. I push his matted hair away from his eyes and kiss him tenderly.

As our bodies grind against each other releasing the pent up frustration and love we've felt for each other for so many years, I know I've found my utopia right here in his arms.

We make our way back to his party and escape to his room to shower down and get changed. No one seems to have missed us when we return to the festivities. Jimin smiles at me knowingly and I blush profusely. My eyes scan the room and settle on Dr Min Yoongi. He smirks at me and I wish the earth would open up and swallow me whole. He knows.....



I'm outa here!

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I purple you 💜


Love Swty 😙

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