A/N: Thank you for over 200 Wattpad followers and over 8K reads on this book. In celebration of BTS winning at Inkigayo, here's a special update for all my swties 😙💗
Thank you to panala_ for the above 🔝 photo edit. You're the sweetest angel 😙💖
Jungkook's POV
It's been almost two months since Sangook has been able to come back home and I couldn't be happier. My life is almost complete. Almost yes, because I still have to plan how I'm going to ask Jin hyung to marry me. Everytime I try to ask him, he says 'NO' and facepalms me with my pathetic excuses for proposals. It's like he's telepathic and can just read when I'm about to drop the question.
So here I am with Sangook at the park, on the pretext of having 'alone time' with him, so I can question him about what his appa likes and how I can plan this momentous occasion.
Sangook laughs at my ill-timed and silly attempts to woo his father.
"Papa....come on, you know how appa is. He's rich and everything but he's really quite simple. Don't overthink this."
I didn't know my son would be this diplomatic. He knew how to handle me already and I'm quite sure he had his appa wrapped around his little finger too.
The afternoon passed pleasantly enough in his happy company. I was so content and my heart filled with love for my son. Hyung had really done such a good job in raising him thus far. He was polite and friendly. He kept himself tidy and even took care not to litter and clean up after himself after our picnic. I noticed many good qualities in him. He sometimes did become shy if a stranger greeted him but he was never impolite or rude.
I obviously loved him because he was my blood but I decided I already liked him as a person. Towards the end of our day, a nervous feeling began to nag at me, like we were being watched. But when I looked around, I saw no one that looked suspicious or behaving oddly. I brushed it off as we made our way home.
But the feeling came back as I was driving us back to our penthouse. I kept checking my mirrors and the feeling of unease remained. Sangook noticed and wrinkled his forehead at me questioningly. I didn't want to worry him so I just shrugged it off, laughing at myself just being a big dummy.
Sangook likes k-pop and I listened to some of his favourites on the car radio, watching and laughing as he sang along. He's such a cute little angel and he looks so much like my Jin hyung, it's uncanny.
"We're home hyung," I called as soon as we entered. Sangook ran straight to the kitchen to find his appa cooking up a storm. He looked at the two of us all flustered and irritated. I wondered what was up with him. I know he likes to cook but this was some new behaviour I hadn't seen before. I looked to Sangook for help who winked at me and indicated for me to follow him into the living room.
"What's going on? I've never seen him act so weirdly," I asked our son.
He tapped his forehead and looked at me like he felt sorry for me. "Didn't you get the hint papa? He's nervous about something."
"Wait a minute. When he's nervous, he usually drinks wine. What's with this new behaviour?"
Sangook thought on it, tapping his finger on his little chin and pacing the room. "Maybe he did that in the past but I'm sure with a child in the house, he's changed his ways. He can't always drink around me you know."
This seemed plausible enough. But now I wondered what could be making him nervous. Oh dear! I did have a lot to learn about him.
"What do you think I should do? Should I ask him what's bothering him?"
"Are you crazy papa?! He'll kill us! Just let him get over it and he'll tell you himself. Trust me, I've seen how he acts if you ask him. You don't want to see that."
This little mite. I don't know whether he was pulling my leg or telling me the truth but I decided to let things play out on their own instead of facing the wrath of Jin hyung. So I stayed clear of him until he came up to our shared room.
I watched as he paced the room. Why was I scared for what he was going to say? "Hyung?" I asked him tentatively. He glared at me. Oh God, Sangook was right. I should just shut my mouth and let him get on with it.
He began mumbling and I tried to catch what he was saying. I got a few words but they made no sense whatsoever. 'Idiot', 'his way', 'fool', those were some of the words I caught.
He turned to look at me, his expression could put a bullet in me. I knew I was dead but I didn't know why.
"So you got what you wanted after all! Happy? Idiot!" Oh God, what did I do? Help! "I'm pregnant you moron!"
"Yes!" I jumped but quickly sat back down when I saw him glare daggers at me. "Y-you're not happy hyung?" I asked sadly.
"Happy? Happy? I'm over the moon! We're not married Jungkook! My parents are going to kill me!"
"Then, let's get married. I've been asking you forever but you're always denying me."
"Arrrrrrrrr! It's not so simple! You don't understand. My parents don't even know that Sangook is yours. They would never understand. As it is, they're not even over my divorce from Namjoon. They haven't spoken to me since. This is bad Kookie." He started to cry.
I quickly got up and enveloped him in a hug. "Please don't stress. It's not good for the baby. I'm so happy hyung. You don't know how much. You've blessed me with Sangook and now a new little angel to call my own." Tears began to fall out of my eyes. My heart swelled with happiness as hyung cried softly in my arms.
"I promise you hyung, I will speak to them. I will make it right. We'll be a proper family soon. I love you so much hyung. You've brought me so much joy every step of the way."
He sniffed sadly into my embrace. "Kookie, my parents will never accept you. I'm sorry to be so crass love, but they're really old school and you have no family either."
My heart clenched. He was right. Who am I? A nobody. Once again I was reminded that I wasn't good enough for him. I hate myself. I held him tighter and cried at my own fate. For a few short moments I was living in a dream world but now that reality has hit me, I have woken up to it. I am no one......
I hate myself. Why do I do this to my Jinkook? 😭😭😭
I purple you 💜
Love Swty 😙

SKYLIGHT [Completed] ✅
FanfictionJungkook is homeless. He's lived on the streets for so long that he's forgotten there is such a thing as human kindness. Enter Seokjin. Take a peek into the lives of Jungkook and Seokjin and how these two people from different spectrums find one ano...