Chapter 21

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Jungkook's POV

The past few days have been so stressful. As we waited for all the test results to come through, Jin and I had much to talk about. The years hadn't been kind to him. My heart clenched when he spoke of Namjoon's infidelity with Jimin. That was a shock to me. I hadn't expected that.

They had tried to save their marriage but it proved too much of a falsehood, eventually becoming a noose around both their necks. Their divorce was finalised around the time they found out about Sangook's illness.

Jin had sold their home and moved back into our penthouse with Sangook. Namjoon took him every other weekend. It was on one such occasion that Sangook had collapsed at the park and Namjoon had become hysterical. He had rushed Sangook to the hospital and after a series of intrusive tests, they had discovered his illness.

Naturally, they had both tested immediately to be donors but upon painful discovery, they had realised that neither was a match for their son. This didn't sit right with the attending doctor, Min Yoongi. He had taken it upon himself to do DNA tests on both parents and his findings had shocked them.

For obvious reasons, Namjoon was livid at first but he quickly realised that this made sense. In the preceeding years of their marriage, he had been unsuccessful in impregnating Seokjin and now it had made sense. It was further discovered after more tests, on his request, that he was sterile.

Namjoon had cried a lot but not once did he treat Sangook indifferently. He had raised him, and he would always be his child. Seokjin had then confessed that he had had premarital relations with Jungkook and it was then that things had started to make sense to everyone. And the rest, we were just waiting for confirmation.

The waiting game was the worst. Sangook's health kept deteriorating and we were all a mess. On the third day, Dr Min Yoongi announced the positive results and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Things were quickly put into motion after that. By the end of the day, I was prepped and ready for surgery. I didn't think twice to give my child the gift of life. I didn't care what happened to me thereafter.

My Seokjin had cried so much. He was trying to be brave the whole time but the stress was getting to him.

"Need a drink hyung?" I joked with him. He laughed at my silliness, recalling times years ago, when he would become nervous to approach Jungkook about something and would only do it if he had a glass of wine in his hand.

"I'll be fine hyung. This is for our baby. I promised you I would do everything to save him. Don't stress about me. Just be there for our baby now and be strong for him. I'll be out in a jiffy," I winked at him and he smacked my arm playfully, still crying into his sleeve as they wheeled me into theatre.


I woke up to the sounds of a machine beeping in the distance. I felt like shit. My mouth was dry and I was disoriented until an alarm went off and people burst into my room. They poked and prodded, checking my vitals. Then a familiar face came into my view, Dr Min.

"Hey Jungkook. How are you feeling?" He trained a small light on my eyes, checking my ears, mouth etcetera.

"I'm okay doc. Just, my throat is real dry."

"We'll get you some water to sip on slowly, okay." He patted my arm reassuringly.

"Doc? Did you get it?"

"Yes. We're prepping him now. You rest well. We got this."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes, thinking about my baby boy and my hyung. I soon fell off to sleep.

When I came to, my beautiful hyung was sitting on a couch next to me, my hand in his somehow. He looked so lovely. My heart ached for all he'd been through without me. All that was going to change. I was going to be here for him and our baby, always.

He stirred and my breath caught. He was so handsome. I pretended to sleep.

"I know you're pretending Kookie-ah," he smiled and I laughed lightly.

"Couldn't get anything past you hyung," I smiled cheekily. "How's my baby?"

Seokjin's smile faulted. "He's still in surgery. I was going insane waiting so I came here to be with you." He smiled at me.

"He'll be fine hyung. He's a fighter. Just look at him and what he's been through. That's my blood running through his veins. He won't give up."

"Yaaah...Jungkookie! You're such a nonsense."

"I'm serious hyung. Have you seen my muscles?" I winked at him.

He laughed and punched me on my arm. I pretended to get hurt and he immediately tensed, checking if I was okay and apologising profusely. When he leaned in, I captured his lips with mine, catching him off guard. I felt him melt into the kiss. God, how I missed him.

When we broke apart, he was blushing profusely. A doctor and nurse entered our room.

"Mr Kim, your son is out of surgery and I might add that it was a success. His body is responding to the new kidney positively. The next few days will be crucial but we can safely say that he is on the road to recovery."

Jin cried and fell to the floor. The nurse ran and picked him up. He made his way to me and I captured him in a tight bear hug. Our tears mixed as we cried for our child.

"Thank you Kookie." He kissed every part of my face while the doctor and nurse looked on, smiling from ear to ear. They exited the room quietly, giving us some privacy.

I kissed him lovingly. He was my life, my everything, along with our child. Just then the door burst open and in walked a startled Kim Taehyung.



A gift of life for you 💗

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