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     Evan didn't stir from his place on the windowsill, placing a delicate hand against the fogged up glass. He watched in awe as his fingertips cleared away the fog, then leaned forward to breathe on it. Instantly more fog cleared away and he could see outside.
     Snow was falling.
     His flimsy little coat had little insulation, so he was beginning to feel quite cold. However, he just couldn't bring himself to retreat back into the walls.
     The rest of the house was dark and empty, and that dark emptiness seemed to stretch on for miles.
     Everything seemed so much bigger when he was alone at night.
     Or maybe he just missed Mateo.
     Mateo, the human boy sleeping upstairs. Mateo, the human boy that made sure to leave leftovers out on the table so he wouldn't go to sleep hungry.
     Mateo, the human boy with a voice like silk and kind eyes that made Evan over think things. Mateo, the human boy that Evan was afraid to get too close to.
     So he turned his gaze back towards the snow again and tried to clear his mind instead, absently running his fingers along the window and watching lines form before the glass fogged up again.
     Through the snow he could just barely make out the bright colors that decorated the houses on the other side of the street.
     Why did humans string colorful lights across their houses every winter? Evan didn't know, but it sure was pretty.
     Just then he heard rustling on the stairs behind him. Evan held his breath, watching a small furry round shape run down the stairs, its pawsteps heavy and obnoxious against the hardwood floor.
     Mateo's dog.
     Evan hated the damn thing with a passion.
     And then a much larger shape appeared on the stairs as well, and Evan's heart quickened a little.
     Evan kept perfectly still atop the windowsill as the human boy descended the stairs behind him. He didn't realize he was holding his breath.
     Mateo walked past him and towards the front door, which was where the furry little demon had stopped. It was scratching at the door with its creepy little paws, begging to go out.
     Mateo opened the door, wincing at the rush of freezing air that entered the house. The dog scurried out into the snow, and Mateo closed the door behind it.
     Evan remained still and silent, watching the towering boy as he moved to sit at the table beside the window.
Both of them seemed to look up and meet eyes at the same time.
     Evan didn't move from his spot, watching the boy's expression change.   His lips had curled up into a smile, albeit a tired one.
     Mateo was obviously hesitant, but he scooted his chair closer towards the window.
     He was afraid to spook Evan. He'd accidentally sent the little borrower scurrying away from him on more than one occasion, and guilt weighed heavy on his heart every time.
     Evan still didn't move, though he looked tense.
     Mateo finally broke the silence, and Evan seemed to perk up at the sound of his voice.
     "What are you doing up so early?"
     Evan paused for a moment, turning his gaze down to his fidgeting hands before answering.
     "Watching the snow."       
     His voice sounded small, especially in the still silence.
     Mateo smiled a little, watching the borrower until he finally looked up to meet his gaze.
     Evan's heart fluttered some and he held his gaze for longer than usual before turning back to face the window.
     He could hear Mateo shifting behind him, getting up to move his chair closer. The human boy was sitting right behind him now, close enough that Evan could hear his soft breathing.
     "I'll watch the snow with you."
     Mateo's voice was louder this close, but still soft enough for Evan's sensitive ears.
     Evan realized just how cold he was when Mateo rested his arm on the windowsill beside him. He could feel warmth radiating off of the giant boy and he almost moved closer, but stopped himself before he did.
     Evan had never been this close to Mateo before. Hell, he hadn't been this close to anyone for about a year or two.
     That was when his brother had died. It was during the winter months. His little brother had caught a terrible cold, and the boy hadn't lasted much longer after that.
     Evan pushed those thoughts away before they contaminated his mind again.
     Instead, he thought about Mateo. He turned his gaze away from the window and peered up, catching his eye.
     Mateo looked down at him, quiet for a moment before he spoke.
     "Can I hold you?"
     Everything in Evan was telling him to refuse, to turn and run away from here and never let this human find him again, to live out the rest of his life in the walls where he would be safe.
     But instead Evan stood up and said "alright."
     Mateo's eyes seemed to light up, his mouth parted in awe.
     Evan hoped he couldn't see him blushing through the darkness.
     Mateo's curiosity should've scared him. A curious human was much worse for a borrower than anything, but it just made Evan trust him more, more than a borrower should have.
     Maybe because his curiosity was so child-like. His eyes always seemed to hold wonder, and it didn't scare Evan.
     Maybe he liked the attention.
     Mateo was slow, bringing his cupped hands down around the tiny boy and scooping him up.
     His touch was gentle and caring. And god, his hands were warm.
     Evan leaned into them without realizing and snaked his frail little arms around the boy's thumb, taking in all the warmth he could.
     Mateo looked surprised, his lips parted slightly as he peered down at the tiny boy curled against his curved fingers.
     "You're so little."
     He didn't say it with malice, or with a twisted smirk on his face.
     He said it with a soft smile and a soft gaze with a soft voice. Everything about Mateo was soft.
     Evan turned around in his palms to look out the window again. He liked the view from here much better.
     And he didn't feel afraid anymore.
     Evan didn't realize that he was snuggling up to Mateo's chest until the human boy let out a soft coo, and neither of them moved until the dog came scratching on the door.

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