omen pt. 2

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Ambient didn't believe that his entire life could be laid out for him on a deck of tarot cards.

Edwin seemed to think differently.

"Eight of Cups," he announced, flipping the card over and placing it down flat on the narrow stretch of bumpy earth between them.

The eight golden goblets were arranged across the bottom of the card, neatly stacked in a straight line. The handles were lined with delicate green gems, the edges of the cups wrought with intricate designs pressed into the metal. Ambient leaned closer, squinting down at the drawing on the card. A man stood facing away from the cups, wielding a sword pointed at the ground, the red fabric of his velvety robe sweeping behind him.

"What does this one mean?" Ambient asked. Despite his skepticism, he couldn't keep a flicker of curiosity out of his voice.

He knew playing along with Edwin's spiritual human nonsense was silly. But he liked seeing how excited Edwin got every time he fed into this with more questions about what the symbols on the cards meant, and whether or not his future looked bleak or promising.

Not that Ambient believed in any of this rubbish; a man's future couldn't be decided with the turn of a card. It was mere human drivel. But he knew Edwin had been practicing the art of tarot since he was a child. He'd been raised on these beliefs.

"It could mean you're holding on to an emotional tie from your past," Edwin said, brows knitted as he studied the card more closely. He glanced up at Ambient, dark eyes searching for something that probably wasn't there. Ambient ran a hand through his hair, suddenly feeling uneasy.

"Or that you're walking away from something. You're avoiding a good opportunity in fear of disappointment, you lack the emotional strength and confidence it takes to go through with it—hey!"

Ambient had heard enough. He plucked the deck of cards from Edwin's hands between his thumb and forefinger with a scowl, rolling his eyes as the human cried out in alarm.

"Give it back," Edwin snapped, quickly rising to his feet and holding his hand out expectantly.

The giant glowered down at him, feeling a spike of annoyance. "Do you seriously believe in any of this crap?" He asked, awkwardly shuffling through the minuscule deck with his thumbs. He could hardly make out the numbers on the cards. Their edges were thin and worn, some torn in places from years of use.

"It's not crap," Edwin hissed, hastily adding "don't bend them!" as Ambient continued flipping through the tiny deck pinched between his long gloved fingers.

"If you don't believe in any of it, why do you keep asking me to give you readings?" Edwin griped, plopping himself down on the ground sadly.

Ambient swallowed thickly.

Because I haven't seen you smile in weeks.

"I don't know," Ambient said. His expression was sour underneath his mask.

"Please give them back." Edwin's voice was small and miserable.

Ambient felt a pang of guilt rising in the back of his throat like bile. He straightened out the deck before handing it back to him, shoulders slumped.

Edwin swiped the cards from him, gently cradling the deck in his hands like it was a wounded phoenix. He gave him a sad glance before turning away, slipping the cards back into their shiny silver sleeve. The tin closed with a satisfying click, and Ambient could hear the soft rattling of crystals inside.

"Eddy, I'm sorry—"

"No, you're not. You always do this."

"Do what?"

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