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I want to fucking punch her in the face. Ruin those bright eyes of hers, and that pretty smile.
     I want her gone. Erased. Every time I look at her, I feel sick to my stomach.
     But every time he looks at her, he melts.
     "What the hell, Drew?"
     I feel his eyes on me, boring into the top of my skull. I have to look up at him, way up at him. He looks annoyed.
     "You haven't said a word all night, you ass. What's wrong with you?"
     The party. I forgot all about the party. There's people everywhere, drunk kids playing a game of twister in the corner, two guys setting up spin the bottle on the porch, and then there's her. She's sitting against the wall with her phone in her lap, a halo of blue light illuminating her pretty face in the dark room.
     She's texting someone. She looks up from her phone for a second, toward Finn, and his phone goes off. He slips it out of his pocket and looks down at the notification before shooting her a smile across the room.
     I want to bash in her fucking head again. Of course she texts him while he's sitting right next to me, just to rub it in my face some more that she's beautiful and soft and made of pure light. Everything that I'm not. Finn is mesmerized by her, of course he is. She's an angel.
     He looks down at me again. For a moment I think he's going to pick me up, but he just brushes his thumb across my shoulder. In a friend way, that is. That's all it ever is between us.
     And I hate myself for doing this, for liking some giant boy who's obviously more into girls made of light than someone like me. A boy.
     He gets up, to get a drink, I think. Someone calls me over to play spin the bottle, but all I can do is shake my head as I see Finn walk over to sit down against the wall.
     The girl, she looks so tiny beside him. Of course she does. She's a human. I wonder if I look that way beside him too.
     She looks up at him and flashes that dazzling smile, and he smiles back. Then they're talking about something, and he keeps making her laugh. I want to strangle her, and in that moment, I hate Finn too.
     But I'm starting to hate myself even more.
     Because why would he ever like someone like me? Someone who could never smile at him like that. Someone who's not even half as pretty as she is.
     When he carefully cups his hands around her and lifts them to kiss her, I leave. I grab a beer someone left on the table and walk out.
     As I sit on the curb with my head between my knees, I smash the bottle against the concrete and watch the yellow liquid spill out, seeping into the cracks in the street.
     Why would he ever kiss me?
     I'm not even half as pretty as her. The girl made of light has his heart.
I'm just pretending.

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