fish breath

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The two princes were not supposed to be seeing each other. Especially in the dead of night, when no one was around to keep them protected.
     But Kalan wasn't sure if he really cared about the rules anyway. Those rules had kept him locked inside the castle for a little over a decade, and he wasn't a huge fan of staying still.
     Plus, he quite liked seeing Remus. Remus, with his messy blonde curls and glowing green eyes. Remus, with bright yellow scales that shined gold in the light and made Kalan think that he was imagining the strange merboy all together.
     Humans and merpeople, they weren't supposed to see each other at all. The merpeople stayed in the ocean and the humans stayed on land. That way, neither of the two species would ever clash. They each had their boundaries that no one ever dared to cross.
     No one, apart from Kalan and Remus, that is. And Kalan was feeling pretty proud of himself for not getting caught thus far. Each night, he'd grab a bone light off his desk and venture out through a gap in the bramble thicket, past the village and toward the lagoon. That was where Remus would swim near the shore and poke his head out of the water, smiling brightly as Kalan carefully waded into the shallow water. Then he'd sink deeper into the water so that only his eyes were exposed, ducking his head underneath every time the light from the lighthouse shined down upon the glassy surface of the water, hidden from any human that happened to be in the watch tower that night. (Fortunately for the both of them, the men working in the watch tower had a habit of falling asleep on the job.)
     Then Remus would rise back out of the water, fifty feet of solid muscles rippling beneath his toned chest and stomach, with a long fish-like tail that glistened with the water that hung off of his golden scales.
     Oh. Had Kalan not mentioned that the merpeople were gigantic? It must've slipped his mind.
     But that had become their routine. Kalan would wade into the shallow water and Remus would stretch across the lagoon, always with his face close to the little human so that he could see him better.
     They both knew that they wouldn't be able to get away with this forever, but they sure had a hell of a time trying. They'd playfully shush each other whenever one of them laughed too loudly, and Kalan would have to use every ounce of his self control not to stand on his tiptoes and press a kiss to the giant boy's lips.
     Not that Remus was any better. They'd tried before, but one of them always backed out at the last second, quickly turning their head to the side to avoid the other's lips.
     But this night was different.
     Kalan left his shoes on the edge of the sand, balling his socks up and stuffing them inside. Then he picked up his bone light, shook it once to activate the glowing bone matter inside, and started walking toward the edge of the ocean where the water lapped at his feet.
     He placed the light down and rolled up the legs of his pants before wading into the swirling lagoon. The water pooled around his ankles and rose up past his knees. He was silent for a while, before he reached down and picked up a small smooth stone.
     He chucked it toward the middle of the lagoon. The rock bounced off something near the surface of the water before Remus's face popped out from beneath the glassy water.
     "What the hell?" He mumbled, taking the stone between his thumb and forefinger before chucking it back at Kalan, who promptly ducked to avoid a black eye, laughing.
     The giant merboy swam closer to shore, but the water became so shallow that he was practically dragging his upper half against the sand. His enormous tail was floating behind him. Kalan could see the shimmering scales just beneath the ocean's surface.
     "You're late," Remus said softly, propping his head up on one fist while his other hand rested next to Kalan, absently letting his fingers trail up and down the tiny boy's back playfully.
     Kalan rolled his eyes and turned to swat one of the impossibly large fingers away, then looked back up at him with a smirk.
     "You still waited."
     "What else was I supposed to do?"
     "I dunno, fish-breath."
     Remus rolled his eyes, raising a finger to carefully brush Kalan's hair out of his face. The merboy had always liked his hair. It was dark and always neatly combed back, unless he pushed the small boy into the water. In that case, his hair stuck up in all directions. Remus smiled at the thought before pulling his hand back, watching the boy's face change in the low light with sharp green eyes.
     Remus said it. "I like your hair."
     Kalan turned red, before hastily masking it by turning his head away from him. "Yeah?" He muttered, hesitantly taking one of the merboy's fingers and cupping it between his hands. "I like yours too."
     Remus watched with wide eyes as Kalan closed both his tiny, delicate little hands around the tip of his finger. The giant merboy brought his other hand down, carefully cupping it around the smaller boy with a shy grin.
     Kalan looked up at him. He suddenly wished he was about fifty feet taller, just so he could press a kiss against the boy's face whenever he felt like it.
     "C'mere," Kalan mumbled, letting go of his finger. "I gotta tell you something."
     Remus raised an eyebrow before lowering his head down beside the human boy, angling his ear toward him.
     Kalan smirked and cupped both hands around the merboy's chin, tilting his head up slightly to meet his lips.
     It didn't take more than a split second for Remus to realize what was happening. The giant boy let him cup his face, eyes widening as he felt the tiniest peck against his bottom lip. Faint, barely there. Like a kiss from a ghost.
     When he looked down, Kalan was grinning.
     "I finally did it," the tiny boy said, like it was some major accomplishment.
     Remus smiled softly and cupped his hands around the tiny boy, lifting him up out of the water to press another kiss against the side of his face.
     "Yeah," he whispered. "Yeah. You did it."

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