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When Romeo jerked awake, he was almost certain that he was still dreaming. Scrubbing at the dried drool on the side of his face, he twisted around in bed to face the direction the sound was coming from, hoping to confirm his suspicions.
However, as his tired eyes drifted across the room to the window overlooking the balcony outside, he realized that he was very much awake.
There it was again. But this time, Romeo had a clear view of what was making the mystery sound.
It wasn't Monty, the intolerable little cat that had a nasty habit of dashing through the halls at night creating a ruckus, and it most certainly wasn't apart of his dream. No, this sound was coming from outside.
It was made by a tree-sized finger repeatedly coming down against the glass, obviously trying to catch his attention and lure him out onto the balcony.
Why had Oliver come to see him in the dead of night?
Romeo scrambled to get out of bed, untangling himself from the sheets and hastily jumping into his slippers. He was moving so quickly, he was surprised there wasn't fire trailing behind him.
The prince bounded across the smooth tile floor and pressed his face against the window, lifting his gaze skyward to meet the eyes of the giant standing outside his bedroom.
Eyes like coal and skin the color of sweet milk tea, the only boy that could get Romeo's heart pounding as if he'd just run several miles being chased by wolves.
"Oliver!" Romeo exclaimed, pulling open the heavy glass door with both hands and stepping out into the frosty night air. It was a stark contrast from the warmth of his bedroom, and it immediately chilled Romeo to his core. He shivered and wrapped his arms around himself as the door shut behind him, wishing he'd grabbed a jacket in his sudden haste to get outside.
Oliver nearly laughed at the sight of the little prince, shivering and barefoot, clad only in his silk pajamas and grinning up at him like a fool.
Oliver knew he most likely wore an expression of similar foolishness, but he didn't care.
He hadn't seen the small boy in weeks.
Romeo was feeling suddenly self conscious of his perpetual bed head, running a hand through it as he tried to think of something to say.
Millions of thoughts were buzzing in his head, but he couldn't bring himself to pick just one to say to the giant.
How was your trip? Did you think of me when you were gone?
I want you to kiss me right now.
I missed you.
Thankfully, Oliver broke the silence before Romeo could burst into some love-filled monologue out of the worst cliche film he could think of.
"How are you?" The giant asked sheepishly, peering down at him with a soft smile. God, he looked pretty when he smiled. Romeo realized he was practically swooning over the boy and averted his gaze.
"Tired," Romeo answered, though his expression looked anything but. His eyes were shining and he seemed fully awake.
"Me too," Oliver said, absently pushing his curls back. They fell right back into place, and Romeo felt the strange desire to push them back for him.
If only he was about a mile taller.
"Aren't you scared someone will see you?" Romeo asked, leaning out over the balcony railing to look on either side of him.
Oliver looked panicked for a moment, throwing his hands out to catch the small boy as if he were going to launch himself over the railing.
Romeo started to laugh, quickly pulling back and looking into the giant's wide eyes with a reassuring smile.
"You're so jumpy," he said softly, watching Oliver lower his hands and avert his gaze sheepishly. "I'm not going to throw myself off of the balcony, Ollie."
Romeo played it off like it was nothing, but deep down he knew why Oliver was always so keen on keeping him safe.
Neither of them ever said it, but Oliver was the family's servant. One of several, but his job was to look out for Romeo and keep him protected at all times. He was there to keep the prince guarded.
Oliver's hand rested against the railing now, closed into a fist. Romeo reached up to place a hand on his knuckle, averting his gaze as soon as the giant looked down at him.
"Didn't know we were at this point in our relationship yet," Oliver whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Romeo's head jerked up. "What?"
"Holding hands, dummy."
A crooked grin crossed Romeo's face at that. He felt warmth rise in his cheeks and let out a laugh, his first genuine laugh since Oliver had left several weeks prior.
Oliver just gazed up at the stars with a content smile playing on his lips.
Romeo could've sworn he was looking at a painting hung high in his mother's gallery. The pearl-colored beams of moonlight washed over the boy's face and he looked like he was carved from stone, every hard line and soft curve of him etched perfectly.
"Can I tell you something?" Oliver asked, turning his eyes back on the little prince. He'd leaned his head in closer to the balcony, and Romeo considered climbing up onto the railing and reaching out to place a hand on his smooth cheek.
"Anything," Romeo whispered, feeling his heart begin to swell in his chest.
"It kind of freaks me out when you stare at me like that."
The two of them burst into hysterics after he said it, and then took to repeatedly shushing each other between bursts of idiotic laughter.
"I wasn't staring," Romeo said, choosing his words carefully with a grin. "I was admiring from a distance."
"Admiring me?" Oliver echoed with muffled laughter, cupping his gloved hands over his mouth to prevent too much noise from escaping. "I'm flattered, considering I once saw you make eyes at a pair of boots in a store window."
"They were really nice boots!" Romeo shot back, leaning against the railing as he spoke. He didn't miss the nervousness that flashed behind Oliver's eyes, feeling a pang of annoyance.
He wasn't a reckless child, he could very well take care of himself.
"I'm not in constant danger, you know," Romeo said, placing his feet on the edge of the railing to stand a little taller.
"Do I know that?"
"Yes. So stop acting like I'm helpless."
A look of genuine hurt crossed the giant boy's face, and Romeo regretted saying it immediately after the words left his mouth.
"It's my job," Oliver muttered, brows knitted.
"Well, it shouldn't be," Romeo shot back, standing straighter. "You're my friend, not my caregiver."
"Two-in-one," Oliver said with a laugh, but Romeo didn't see anything funny about it.
"Fine," Romeo said, propping his folded arms up against the railing. He rested his head against them, looking straight ahead to avoid the giant's eyes.
"Fine what?"
"Fine, be that way. Treat me like some stupid kid, see if I care."
There was a long pause before Oliver spoke again. "Romeo," he whispered.
"I think we're both stupid kids."
Romeo smiled some at that. He lifted his head and nodded, watching the giant's expression change in the low light.
For a while they both stayed that way, still and silent, gazing up at the stars. The land around them was basked in moonlight. Everything looked as if it had been coated in silver.
Oliver was the first one to break the silence.
"I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight, Ollie."
Another pause. Oliver leaned in closer to the balcony, and Romeo thought he was going to whisper something in his ear before he lifted his head some and pressed a swift kiss against the side of the prince's face.
Romeo's hand shot up to the place Oliver's lips had been just moments before. He looked up and opened his mouth to say something, but Oliver had already stood and started in the direction of the servants' quarters across the castle grounds.
Romeo watched the giant disappear into the darkness, a silhouette lined in sparkling silver by the moon.
Maybe he wasn't dreaming after all, but there was no way that boy was real.

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