Ivar the Boneless - What's your name again?

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There you stood, the bow in your hand and an arrow piercing a man's chest. Your world began spinning as you thought of what you had done. 

These were invaders. You were a peaceful person, you didn't want to hurt anyone but he wouldn't stop charging. 

You lowered the bow as you heard horses galloping up behind you. It was just you and the man and you heard a sword unsheath. You squeezed your eyes closed, ready for the instant death. 

"Stop." a commanding voice said. Slowly you turned around to face the men. There was a moment of pause as your eyes met the man's in which commanded the others. 

He had dark hair and bright blue eyes. Everything stopped spinning in the moment you saw him. He waved the men away and they went to attend their now dead friend, several yards away. 

"That must have been a good shot." the man said with a smirk. You lowered your head, ashamed of the life you had taken. 

"I am very sorry. I was not sure what else to do. I thought he was going to kill me." you bowed to the man in which you didn't know. 

The man scoffed. "He was certainly going to kill you. But you didn't let him now did you little one?" the man asked, somewhat mocking you. 

You stood and looked at him a bit frustrated. Had he no remorse for the life that was now gone in front of him. 

"What do they call you?" You said with your face tense, biting the inside of your lip to stop unkind words from spewing. 

"Ivar, Ivar the Boneless. But you will have plenty of time to remember that where you are going." he said with a smile. 

You heard the men's footsteps behind you and you drew another arrow. You shot one in the chest and the other in the leg. You were going to stop but he drew his sword and you had no choice. 

You breathed hard, staring down at the two lifeless bodies of the men. What was going on with you. This was not how you were raised. 

You turned to the man again, dark eyes scanning your body as you relaxed your shoulders back. It was just the two of you. 

He reached for his sword and you had already released the arrow before he could unsheath it. The arrow dodged past him but he fell back, off the height of his horse and hit the ground with a thud. 

You gasped, dropping the bow and rushing to the man's side. He struggled to get up, seemingly unhurt but embarrassed. 

He shrugged you off of him at first but then after failing to get up on his own, accepted your help. He had two braces wrapping his legs. 

"You couldn't walk from birth.." you said astonished. He glarred at you muttering something under his breath and trying to get back on his horse. 

"I studied medicine with my mother growing up. I have seen this before." you said. He seemed confused. "Before?" you nodded and explained what you remembered. 

He offered you one of the horses and you smiled, climbing on and grabbing your bow as he climbed onto his horse. 

"What's your name again?" you asked with a smirk as he rolled his eyes. "Ivar." he said with a kinder smile. "And yours?" he asked. You smiled, "Y/n." 

I really hope you guys are liking these. I try to track if people are reading them by votes so if you read don't forget to click the vote button and maybe comment! Thanks, -Admin. 

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