Athelstan the Priest - Temper

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A shield maiden with a temper. That was a usual occourance amongst vikings. However, it was not amongst Angelo-Saxxons. 

You sat in front of your shield, carving away at the intricate design in the wood. You heard someone come in behind you, several someones. 

You smiled knowing it was going to be your fun-loving brother and possibly Lagartha. You looked over your shoulder but not in time. 

Ragnar had already thrown himself into you. Sending you crashing on top of your shield and a cracking sound silenced every noise. 

You raised yourseld to see the deep crack between the wooden planks. The shield was split in half and you started at the weeks of work, destroyed due to your careless brother. 

You felt your face grow hot, red flooding your vision. You began throwing balls of fists into Ragnar's chest and arms. He shielded most of them. 

Finally once you began to calm down you looked at the man with him. Athelstan, Ragnar's new friend and your biggest crush in years.

No one knew it but you and Athelstan had begun seeing each other in private, without anyone knowing, not even your brother.  

A blush dusted your cheeks until Ragnar spoke again. "It must not have been a sturdy shield if it cracked under that." He scoffed. 

Your head snapped to the side. "It was a fine shield and I worked hard on it!" you screamed hitting him in the face. 

Arms wrapped around your torso and pulled you back a bit. "Y/n, calm down." he whispered into your hair. 

You immediately relaxed your body. You couldn't disobey a word he said. You loved him. He was looking at Ragnar through your hair and another blush came on as Ragnar let out a wolf whistle. 

"I didn't know you had it in you Priest. To be so brave." he said with a laugh, widening his eyes at you. You swung at him again but Athelstan spun you by your waist and kissed you. 

You melted into him and a smile formed on your lips. Ragnar was gone by the time you turned around again. 

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