Rollo- It is Queen

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The gates to your throne room flew open and several men entered the large room. You guards armed themselves for attack but made no movements without your commands. 

"Hello." you said as they stopped in front of you. You voice was calm but sweet and welcoming to the Northmen. 

You rose from your thone as you eyed the men curiously. "We want to speak with you Princess L/N." the man in the front said. 

You smiled and bowed a bit, "My pleasure, but it is Queen." The man nodded in understanding and you approached him. 

You knew this man, Ragnar Lothbrok. He was a viking, an invader, a king. "I will speak with you," you said gesturing for them to follow you. 

They followed behind you to a private room where your guards stood outside the door. You called for tea and they sat around your table. 

"Forgive the intrusion but we want to speak with you about land and profit." Lagartha mentioned as she smiled towards you. 

You returned the smile, you had immense respect for her. "Of course." You sat between her and another man which had not been named. 

Over the discussion you agreed to allow them to use your land, the isles along the water for docking and checkpoint stops. 

"What do you want in return?" a man who had not seemed interested in your friendliness asked, glaring across the table. 

You smiled and leaned back. "I want to come with you." you said. "I want to adventure and see the places you go. I have heard of these tales but have only ever been here." 

They all seemed stiff and hesitent. "You want to sail and come on raids?" Ragnar asked, giving you a look of unsurity. 

"Yes." you said firmly. "Why?" the man asked again. "I have only ever known these walls. This castle and the gardens around it. I know this is my home but this is the only place I have ever been."

"No." the man said. "Who are you to make that decision?" you scoffed. "I am Rollo. Ragnar's brother and I said no." he said shaking his head. 

"She can come." Ragnar said taking a sip of tea. "She has fire within her. And she is your responsibility." he said with a smirk. 

"How is she expected to defend herself?" Rollo asked, gesturing to you. You stood and walked outside, retreiving two swords from one off your guards. 

"Fight me." you said handing a sword to Rollo. He laughed and shook his head. You threw it at his feet and pointed your sword at him. 

Slowly he rose from his chair and grabbed the sword, standing limply in front of you as the others watched. 

You began to move and Rollo responded to your movements. As metal hit metal you began to actually fight, him deflecting your swings and narrowly missing your flesh. 

He went to hit your throat with the blade and you moved your sword up, knocking his from his hand. It fell to the ground and you pushed him against the stone wall, holding the blade to his throat. 

When he raised his hands you put your sword down. "I said this is where I have always been. I never said I have been here defenseless." You said with a smile. 

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