Hvitserk- Not Goodbye: part 2

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It had been three years. There were viking ships on the horizon and a ping of hope filled you. 

Over the course of the last three years King Ecbert, Prince Aethelwulf and countless others had tried to gain your attention but your heart had been focused on home. 

The ships docked and you noticed it was a raid. There were vikings running to the doors which had been sealed shut. 

While everyone else ran to hide you waited in the palace room, as they were sure to come here looking for the king. 

You finally heard them break through the palace doors. What seemed like forever went by before the doors opened, revealing Ivar and Hvitserk. 

You ran to them, the long dress you had become accustomed to flowing behind you. Hvitserk wrapped his arms around you, kissing the side of your neck. 

You pulled away and looked at them, crying. "Ivar you're walking!" you exclaimed. Ivar smiled and hugged you as well. 

You turned back to Hvitserk who was ready to take your hands. "Y/n I want to marry you. We are leaving now. They will raid but we will go home and get married." 

You paused, stunned. Turning to Ivar he smiled and patted your shoulder. "Go sister, before we stain your pretty dress with english blood." he laughed. 

You hugged Ivar once more and turned to run to the ships with Hvitserk. There was a ship waiting for the two of you with a few fellow vikings ready to sail back. 

You kissed Hvitserk once you were on the boat and moving away from Wessex. "Finally we are going home." 

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