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I cannot be rude so I use words

you mistake my words for being kind

listen to my tone

I cannot be rude but I can speak in a tone

a tone that will make you realize how much I dislike you

look into my eyes

do I seem uninterested?

maybe because I might be

nothing interests me, except words and actions, poetry and it's depth, books and their imagination

they're much different than you think


I have been fooled with words all my life

only to find out

words could mean nothing to the person who's saying them

yet everything to the person who listens to them

and it breaks the heart doesn't it?

to be fooled by love and find out it meant nothing more than a penny's worth

no, it did not mean gold and roses, it meant nothing

for your actions speak for themselves

have you seen yourself?

have you seen what you have done?

left a crack in their hearts

you do not realize how much your words mean

left them a broken mess

they have realized how much your actions mean

every word is a lie

every word covers up a story

I could be speaking with happiness

yet I could be in pain

words are capable of fooling

but actions are not

so look closer

be a master of body language

for you can see through them

1:38 pm

Venus (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now