Chapter 18 - Secrets

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I was so nervous. I found myself pacing back and forth in the business area of the school, in front of the main board where everything was posted, including exam results. It had been a week since the marketing midterm -- all midterms actually -- and they finally posted the results after marking all exams.

I didn't exactly do well considering I completely blanked out on everything I had studied and was praying for at least a 70 so that I could pass and my GPA wouldnt go down by much, allowing me to keep my scholarship.

After what seemed like hours of waiting, the list was finally posted on the board. I looked down the list of names, my finger pressed to the board as it slid down the page, searching for my name.

Of course, the list was in alphabetical order by last name, so it was a while before I got to 'R'. The minute I saw 'Richards, Megan', my heart stopped. This was the moment of truth.

I slid my eyes towards the right, slowly getting closer to the results of my midterm. When my eyes made contact with the mark, I was shocked.

How is this possible? I thought.

I couldnt believe my eyes. I had gotten a 95 on the exam, the highest mark in my year. All this time I had thought I was going to fail, or if I passed, it would be a low mark anyways, but I had excelled greatly.

A huge ass smile was placed on my face as I turned around. It was time to celebrate.

Just then, I saw Tyler walking down the halls and I just sprinted towards him as I droppped my stuff on the ground. He stopped in his tracks, with a surprised look on his face, wondering what the hell was going on.

He left his arms at his side, not knowing what to do, but I didnt care. When I neared him, I ran even faster and threw my arms around him in happiness. My speed as well as my force made him move back a bit, but we finally stopped. He awkwardly hugged me back and when I released, I looked him right in the eyes and said, "I GOT A 95 ON MY MARKETING MIDTERM!"

"Wow! That's amazing! Congrats!" he said with joy in his voice.

"We have to celebrate!" I blurted out.

"Yes! We should throw a party!" he said after he stopped laughing at my awkward eagerness.

I agreed right away and we started texting all our friends deets of the party. Tyler said he had a place where we could host. It was his parents old mansion but then they moved to a different area, leaving the house empty. Because they were rich ass millionaires, they didn't sell the house and just left it where it was. They agreed that Tyler could have the house and use it whenever he wanted for whatever he wanted, so that was settled. We decided to throw the party at 10 and have it go on till whenever people wanted to leave. Tyler said he would handle refreshments and I would handle music and we would both get the word out ASAP.

Before we knew it, we were getting tons of RSVP's and we relaized we had to get cracking on the party.

I headed straight to the lounge to start working on a playlist of songs. I also asked people to request songs that they would want to hear at the party, making a separate playlist for those request songs. I put my beats headphones over my blonde hair, tied up into a messy bun.

My eyes were all over the place as I was blending tracks and adding in mixes and songs as well as making mixes of my own. My fingers were everywhere too.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but I had no time to answer calls or texts because I had to finish this playlist in time for the party and to make matters worse, people kept reuqesting all these songs for me to add, making it take longer to get the playlist ready in such a short amount of time.

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