Chapter 12 - James

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Chapter 12 - James


Trenton walked out of the airport and followed Rosemary to a sleek black car waiting for them. He hadn’t been looking forward to this part. Meeting Aria, now that was something he wanted. Living with his dad, not so much. Trenton hated his dad. The fact that he had cared about drugs more than his own family was disgraceful but Trenton couldn’t change that part of his past. So, he put aside those thoughts and decided that he would meet his dad with an open mind.

“In the car, Trenton,” Rosemary instructed. Trenton did as he was told. He opened the door and pulled himself inside. The car was extravagant. Even the seats looked fancier than normal. “Close your mouth and stop staring. It’s rude.” Rosemary sat herself down gracefully and looked out the window without any emotions present.

The drive was long and awkward. Trenton didn’t mind much though because the whole time he was looking out the window and admiring the scenery. Nothing back in Washington looked this green or plush or dry. The mix of the types of plants and the ecosystems in just one car ride was almost too much to handle. Soon the car pulled onto a road that was sleek black. Houses began to pop up more frequently and Trenton almost pressed his face against the window before thinking better of it. The houses were huge and it was more than obvious he was on the rich side of town.

The car slowed to a halt outside a two story white house. A single sports car sat in the driveway. The door opened and a tiny lady stepped out. She was wearing black and white maid clothes and Trenton couldn’t help the look of disgust that crossed his face. It wasn’t the lady he was disgusted at but rather his dad. To have the nerve to actually hire a maid was mind blowing to Trenton.

“Mr. Montgomery. Ms. Jenkins,” the maid greeted. “I’m Anett. You can call me Mrs. Rogers though. Mr. Kuyper is out right now and won’t be back until six o’clock. I’ll have your chauffeur take in your bags. Meanwhile I’ll take you on a tour around the house.” Anett turned around and walked into the grand mansion. Trenton followed behind with a bored Rosemary right after him.

Trenton’s jaw dropped as he entered the first room. It was obviously the living room for he saw the couches and TV’s. Yes, there were TV’s as in multiple televisions. Crystal vases were set up around the room. Some were filled with marbles. Others with fake flowers. The floors were polished and nice. It was an amazing front room. The next room was the kitchen. A huge island separated the kitchen from the front room. The kitchen itself was huge. Everything looked delicate and perfectly placed. Trenton was scared to touch anything.

After the kitchen Anett dragged the two into the next room. This room was the library. Why the house had a library, Trenton did not know. But he did know that it would be useful to catch up in school once he started once again.

The library lead to stairs. The stairs separated the first guest room from a bathroom. Up the stairs was another bathroom. Two more bedrooms were located upstairs. The first room was most obviously James’. A picture of James at a promotion was on the desk. A king size bed was sat in the middle of the room. A picture of Trenton when he was younger was there as well. That  picture angered Trenton so he took no time in leaving. Somewhere downstairs Rosemary had dropped out of the tour and situated herself in the one guest bedrooms. Trenton let Anett go and entered the last bedroom, his room.

Trenton opened the door and immediately anger began to boil up inside of him. Pictures were all around the room. All of them from when Trenton was younger and he had lived in a happy family. Some involved his mother, some didn’t. If this was James’ way of welcoming Trenton, it sucked. Trenton picked up every single photo- all sixteen of them- and walked over to the trashbin. He wondered how James could fit so many in his room, seeing as there wasn’t a lot of space to put them. He dumped all of them inside. He picked up the plastic bag and tied it closed. Though he hated to do so Trenton called for Anett. She came scurrying to him minutes later. Trenton shoved the bag full of the photos at her before slamming the door shut.

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