Chapter 13 - Trenton

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A/N: This is now officially chapter 13. Chapter 12 is being newly revised and Trenton's PoV is being added so be on the look out for that update.


Chapter 13 - Trenton (Unedited)

Aria shot out of her seat and dashed out of the room. She sprinted until she came to the closest restroom that she could find. Aria put her hands on either side of the sink and took in deep breaths. It couldn’t be true. She was just seeing things. People in dreams just don’t exist; it’s just not true.

       Aria looked up from her spot on the sink and nearly shrieked. Ryan stood there and stared back at Aria in the mirror.

       “Ryan, don’t freaking do that!” Aria panted, out of breath from her near heart attack.

       “Care to explain?” Ryan casually leaned up against the stall and crossed her arms. If Aria hadn’t been such good friends with Ryan then Ryan would’ve looked intimidating.

       “It’s nothing. Just had to wash my hands.” Aria knew it was a lame excuse but she couldn’t think of anything else and she thought that it might be weird if she told Ryan that she saw a guy that was in her dreams just outside.

       “I’m not leaving until you tell me. And there’s a sink and water fountain in the art room for your information.” Aria sighed and looked at Ryan. Aria turned back to the sink and turned on the water and began washing her hands.

       “Don’t call me crazy but,” Aria waited for Ryan to nod before continuing, “that guy outside was the same one that had blonde hair that was in my dream.” Ryan’s eyes widened noticeably before toning down a bit as Ryan launched herself at Aria in a bear hug.

       “Do you know what this means?” Aria looked at Ryan, confused. “Aria, they’re either coming back for you or they’re moving here. Aria, you’re going to learn about your past. I’m nearly positive this guy you saw was part of the 2.0 batch. You’ve got to go talk to him!” Ryan began to pull Aria out of the bathroom and down the hall in the direction of the office.

       “Ryan, let go,” Aria whimpered. Though Aria was curious as to whom the guy was, she thought that it would be really weird if she randomly went up and talked to him.

       “Just act chill,” Ryan spoke as if reading Aria’s mind. “It’ll just be two new people interacting. He’s got nothing to suspect and maybe he’ll just come out right honest to you during your first interaction.” Aria nodded and watched as Ryan waved goodbye and disappeared down the hall just as the bell rang. Aria awkwardly waited outside the office but after five minutes and no sign of the new guy, Aria decided that she should head to class. She was in no hurry to go to government class but she also didn’t want to be late again.

       Aria turned the last corner when she bumped directly into someone. She landed on the floor with an ‘oof.’ She raised her head to glare at whoever it was but stopped immediately. There, standing over her with an air of superiority to him, was Chance.

       “Thought you were ditching,” Chance said with a smirk. Aria scowled at him and stood up on her own.

       “First of all, rude. Second of all, why does everyone think I’m going to ditch?” Aria stormed into the classroom door behind Chance and sat down at her seat with an annoyed look on her face.

       “No need to pout, kitten. We’ve still got the next hour together so mine as well get used to it.” Chance shuffled up Aria’s hair and sat in his seat next to her.

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