Chapter 21 - Gone

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Chapter 21 - Gone


Trenton’s heart felt like it had been shattered. All day he had been pacing back and forth around his room. James had decided that he wouldn’t leave since Trenton had proved to be untrustworthy, therefore missing his oh so important meeting. But, James didn’t seem to mind because the last few days he had been holed up in his office, completely ignorant to the fact that Trenton was home or not. He was also ignorant to the fact that Trenton was laid upon his bed, heart hurting beyond belief, as he wallowed in self-pity. What had he done to deserve this? Absolutely nothing.

That was the only answer he could come up with as he realized how unfortunate his situation was. First, Trenton had been brainwashed when Aria had been starting to develop, or starting to realize her feelings for him. Then, she died, or so he thought. Then, when he finally had his memories returned, she was alive and well but missing all of her memories. What made matters worse for Trenton was the fact that even with a lot of her memories back together, Trenton had to start over and get Aria to like him for him once more, but he seemed to be doing a pretty crappy job of it so far.

He watched as the fan on his ceiling spun around relentlessly. It pushed the air to and fro, not caring about what was around it, just shoving everything out of its way. In that moment, Trenton felt like the fan. He had shoved all of his cares under his belt just to get to Aria, assuming she’d resume her previous position of loving him. Oh boy had he been wrong. When he had shoved everything and everyone out of his way, Aria had drawn them in and befriended them, viewing Trenton as a selfish little boy. And maybe she was right. Trenton was rather selfish for wanting Aria and only Aria. But, he couldn’t help it. She was perfect, and Trenton wanted her to be his.

His phone vibrating on his desk distracted Trenton from his depressing thoughts. To his surprise, Chance’s name was shining in bright white letters on his screen. Reluctantly, Trenton pressed his finger down on the green button and placed the phone on his ear.

“Thank God,” Chance spoke, sounding relieved that Trenton had answered his phone. Trenton rolled his eyes. What a creep.

“What the hell do you want?” Trenton snapped.

“Alright, I know this will be the most awkward conversation you will ever have because we have a mutual dislike of each other, but I really need your help, man,” Chance confessed. Trenton couldn’t help but chuckle. Such a weirdo.

“What could you possibly need my help with?” Trenton asked out of pure curiousity. He figured he’d play along, but he really wasn’t in the mood for some crappy prank.

“Girl help. As in I need to think of a romantic date, or movie, or anything for tonight.” Trenton’s eyes widened and he felt his breathing stop and heart stutter.

He pulled himself together enough to ask, “Who?”

“Aria, man. I just got the guts to ask her out today when we got back from the café, which, by the way, was not cool at all dude. You need to learn when enough is enough. She was a complete mess when we got back. I mean…”

“Shut up, will you,” Trenton growled. He wanted to crush his phone to a pulp, eliminate Chance’s voice forever. Something deep inside of him stopped him though. Something so dark, so evil, that it scared Trenton to think about. So, he forced himself to not hang up, but to fight through this one conversation. Maybe it would be the key to get Aria back.

“Fine, fine. So, I don’t know where to take her. I was thinking the movie theater, but I think that’s too unoriginal for her. She deserves something better…” Trenton didn’t speak as he waited for Chance to continue. Chance didn’t continue though. “That’s the part where you say what you think. That’s where you input your opinion.”

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