Chapter 18 - Community

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Chapter 18 - Community


Community service. That was the punishment that the police and James deemed fit. Community service, helping shelve books in the library, for three weeks straight. Three hours per weekday, five per weekend. Hell, complete and utter hell. That’s what it was going to be.

“Why do we have to do this again?” Ryan complained for what must have been the seventeenth time in the past two minutes. Aria had to kill the urge to tell her to shut up and hide it in the deepest depths of her untouched mind.

“Because we broke into someone’s house. Plus, it’s better than jail,” Aria reasoned for the seventeenth time in two minutes. Trenton had been outed from the consequences seeing as he was actually considered to have been the owner of the house at the time of the breakin. Crappy logic in Aria’s opinion, but she wasn’t willing to argue it. If community service was what she was offered instead of jail and one of her friends was allowed to walk away scratch free, Aria was willing to take it. Unlike Ryan, who seemed to be fighting the thought of community service with every bone in her body.

“I don’t even remember the last time I’ve touched a book,” Ryan annoyingly growled, glaring out the window into the gloomy sky. A haze had settled over McKinleyville that morning. It was a rare occurrence, and much to Aria’s amusement there was a larger crowd out and walking around than normal. Aria pulled Ellie’s car, which she had gladly given over to Aria for her use, into one of the only available spots in the library.

“Today, at school…” Aria replied, not leaving room for amusement in her tone. She was irritated and at that point she didn’t really care if Ryan knew or not.

“Whatever,” Ryan grumbled, exiting the car and slamming the door shut behind her. Ryan’s red hair seemed to contradict the gloomy weather for it shone brightly, even when wet. Aria got out, following after Ryan. Her hair, in contrast, dampened into the darkest and dullest brown color possible. Her hair on her head was forced to frizz up, even after all of the product she tried in it, due to the slight mist in the air.

The library was beautiful. It was a brick building, covered in brilliant green vines and moss covered concrete slabs. The front entrance of the library held a welcoming feeling. The rose colored rugs and inspirational quotes that lined the wall gave off a snug, homey mood that called Aria in. Unlike Ryan, Aria didn’t mind being in a library. She hadn’t gotten the chance to go to one since she had started school. She doubted Chance had been to one since entering high school and therefore doubted the idea that he would willingly take her to one. Ryan was impatiently waiting off to the side, looking extremely out of place. Her signature red lip stick gave her a stern, business like look and had people giving her looks when passing. Ryan was one intimidating person.

Aria decided to be the bigger person in the situation they were in, and walked up to the front desk. An older woman sat behind a computer, large framed baby pink glasses covered her petite face.

“Yes? How may I help you?” she asked, her voice soft and polite.

“Um…” Aria started, embarrassed by what she was about to admit. She got the feeling that the lady didn’t want to be bothered by trouble making teenagers. Sighing, Aria continued: “My friend and I are scheduled to be doing some community service here, every day, for the next couple of weeks.” The lady looked at her with pity.

“Just walk down the main aisle in the library and at the end of the aisle you will see a door. Go talk to Cassandra. She will be the woman in charge of you two.” The once kind lady turned her back on Aria with a huff. It seemed as though Aria’s prediction was right for the lady didn’t spare them another glance. Ryan rolled her eyes in annoyance and pushed herself off the wall she had been leaning on.

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