Chapter 15 - Party

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Chapter 15 - Party (unedited...but that's NaNoWriMo for ya)


“I don’t know why I even agreed to go to this thing,” Ryan confessed. Her body was sprawled across Aria’s bed as she fiddled around with the various clothes tossed around her room. She pulled out a pair of combat boots from Aria’s shoe shelf next to Aria’s bed and began inspecting them.

“Ryan, everyone’s going. Chance, the Elliot’s, Scott, Casey, and even Alex.” Aria didn’t look back at Ryan as she spoke. She was too busy rummaging through her closet looking for something to wear.

“Don’t forget Trenton,” Ryan grumbled. Aria stopped what she was doing to turn and glare at Ryan.

“Don’t give me that crap as well. Trenton is my friend and I invited him. Get over it.” Ryan shrugged her shoulders at Aria in a seemingly casual manner.

“Look Aria,” Ryan started, rolling over on Aria’s bed to face Aria’s direction, “I was a big supporter of the whole ‘talk-to-Trenton-about-Eatonville’ thing but Trenton isn’t like us.”

“How do you know?”

“He has powers, sure, but his social skills just aren’t there.” Aria gave Ryan a blank look.

“So you’re judging him because he isn’t socially acceptable enough for you? Look, I don’t care what you guys say. Trenton is coming and that is final.” Aria let out a huff and turned back to the closet. She ended up deciding on wearing a simple skater skirt and tank top. Just as she was about to grab a cardigan, Ryan stopped her.

“Ari, we’re in California and it’s still summer according to the calendars. The coldest it’s going to get tonight will possibly, if anything, be around 86º.” Aria couldn’t help but laugh. She threw the cardigan back into the closet before grabbing her purse. With a final nod Aria slipped on her boots and exited her room with Ryan close behind.

Chance was sitting on the couch fiddling with his phone. When Aria stepped into the living room he sprang upwards.

“Is Kuyper’s kid still tagging along with us?” Chance asked as he went to open the front door. Lucy stopped him before it opened fully.

“Listen up. Curfew is midnight. All of you must stick together. If I call, you must answer no matter what. And lastly, have fun.” Lucy gave both Aria and Chance a kiss on the forehead before letting the door crack open.

“Not too much fun,” Gary hollered from upstairs.

Aria watched as CHance just rolled his eyes and got into the backseat of Ryan’s mustang. “Look’s like somebody finally learned their spot,” Aria giggled as she climbed into the passenger seat. As Ryan got into the drivers seat and started the car, Chance crossed his arms and glared at Aria.

“The only reason I’m here is to keep you safe from all of the dumb guys in this world.” Chance turned his hard gaze to look out the window.

“Chance, you do realize how stupid that sounds right?” Ryan buckled her seatbelt and reversed the car out of the driveway. “Aria is the only one here who can keep herself one hundred percent safe with her healing powers.”
“You know what I mean,” Chance mumbled. His harsh attitude towards Aria the past couple days had made his feelings clear: Chance was mad at Aria.

“By boys, you mean Trenton, don’t you?” Aria didn’t mean to snap but she couldn’t help herself. The past couple of days had been tense. Trenton had stuck with Aria yet he hadn’t revealed anything about Eatonville. On top of that, her friends’ hatred towards Trenton had only grown.

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