Encounter 2.5

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Taehyungs POV:

I stood still for a solid minute. I snapped out of it and started walking to the gym. As soon as I entered, everyone looked at me.

The teacher looked over my way and asked, "You're late!" "What's you're name?"

"Kim Taehyung."

"Kim Taehyung." the teacher repeated my name as he was looking at his attendance sheet. "Kim Taehyung, class 1-B. Stay after class and clean the auditorium"

Damn. What do you expect your late. What's happening today? I asked myself.

I walked towards the front row where my other classmates are. 

As soon as I sat down, my classmate asked, "Hey, why're you late? Well, you're not the only one. Class 1-A has a girl that was late too and will be joining you with cleaning the gym."

"Really?" I asked back. As I look around to see if the girl I saw in the hallway is here. She has a streak of adorable side to her even if she looked like she was about to get a fight with me. 

I smiled unconsciously. Before I was able to check around the teacher called out to us.

"Taehyung and friends. I would like you to sit still and listen when I'm talking." 

We all stopped and look towards the teacher, it doesn't help that we're in the front row so we had to listen to him the whole time. 


"That's all we have for now. Does anyone have any questions?" asked the teacher.

Nobody answered.

"Ok then. Wheein, Taehyung. You guys stay and clean up I'll be back to check on you. Class dismissed."

As everybody was standing up, I looked around to see who I'm working with and called out her name, "Wheein?"

Two girls at the back row suddenly looked towards me. Oh, she's one of them. 

She suddenly avoided looking at me and started whistling. I chuckled a bit. I knew it, she's really cute. 

While she was whistling the other girl pulled her arm away from her and said. "I'll see you at the usual karaoke! Don't be too late." as she ran away.

I looked at her friend and back to her. She looked like she just got scolded. I made another chuckled and smiled at her. 

"You looked tense." I said. 

Silence. That was awkward.

"I'll start from that end. If you need help let me know." as I walked towards the utility closet. I grabbed two mops and thought she would be on her way to where I am.

When I looked back, she's still where she was at. I walked towards her and before I could say anything. She turned around towards me. 

I was startled. She's too close. I heard my heart raced a bit. 

I handed her one of the mop. 

As soon as she took it, I walked away.

I was still bothered at what happened in the hallway so I looked back to her and said,

"I know that wasn't the best impression I had when we met a while ago. I treasured Jiyeon like a little sister and I didn't mean to hurt her even though that might've what it looks like to you."

After I said the last words, I was hoping she would say she understand and it's alright and at least smile at me.

"It's not really my business. I just felt like helping her because she looks like she was about to cry." she uttered coldly. 

I looked down and licked my lips unconsciously.

You should've know Taehyung. It's not like you did a good job on your first meeting. What do you expect? That she likes you?

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard her say...

"I'll get started. You should do the same." 

I looked at her as she walked away. I wanted to say something, but words aren't coming out. I stared at her back for a while.

I turned my back towards her and walked at the other end of the gym. 

I knew it. She doesn't like me, she acted awkwardly because of what happened today. 

I wasn't able to look at her the entire time we were cleaning.

The time flies so fast when the teacher came back to check on us.  

"You both did great cleaning up. No more getting late and be safe going home."

"Yes" both of us answered.

I immediately walked away without looking at her. I'm afraid if I looked back she would give me a cold stare.

Throughout my school life, I barely see her. I would steal glimpse of her if I ever see her from a distance. 

My crush.. and my love that ended before it even started. 

I regretted it a lot. 

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