Entering Your World pt. 3

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As Moonbyul and I opened the door to a conference room.

We bowed down as the other people stand up and bowed to us as well.

The producer, BTS member J-Hope and V were already in the conference. 

As I looked up, I immediately made eye contact with Taehyung when he suddenly gave me a warm smile.

I got butterfly in my stomach and smiled back at him.

Don't mess this up Wheein. Calm down, think of the sea.

"Come on, seat down" the producer said. 

Both the BTS member were on one side so we took the other side of the table so I'm directly right across Taehyung.

"So it's your first time doing MC correct?" the producer asked.

"Yes." all of us answered.

"Okay, we have some note cards that has list of things that you can reference when introducing groups. You can also come up with a different introduction if you see fit." he said.

"I'll have you looked at it and rehearse yourselves amongst you so you can get acquainted a little bit. Let me know if you have any questions, I'll go grab some drinks."

"Yes." answered all of us again.

As soon as he walks out the door. The room became a silent place. 

After a long pause...

"I'm J-hope" one of them said.

"I think we should introduce ourselves first that way we can communicate properly." he added.

"I'm Moonbyul." as she responded to J-Hope.

"My name's Taehyung and my stage name's V." as he looked to Moonbyul and looked at me.

I can feel my cheeks starting to get hotter. I avoided his gaze and looked at Moonbyul.

"I'm Wheein." 

Moonbyul gave me a greasy smile because she know I was really shy. Moonbyul looked back at them and said, "We're really not used to speaking with people we don't know." 

"That's alright. It's understandable." J-Hope replied to her.

He then started conversing and gave some ideas on what we can do which lightened the mood. 

The whole time we were brainstorming. I can feel him looking at me either that or maybe I'm just really very conscious of him that I'm getting delusional. I didn't even dare to look at him. I'm afraid his going to catch me stealing a glance. 

My heart sounds so loud that I only heard half of the whole conversation. 

After discussing and rehearsing a couple times...

"Are you guys ready? Go and dress up and we'll meet you in a few minutes." said the producer.

After getting dress up, I got to the back stage first before Moonbyul since she had to use the washroom.

I was at the back stage waiting for her and was feeling really nervous when suddenly...

"Everything's going to be alright. Don't be too tense." Taehyung stated as he positioned himself right next to me and patted my head.

I can't explain what I felt. I felt more nervous in a different way but at the same time it made me melt right there and then. 

He walked back to where J-Hope is and I saw Moonbyul walking towards me. 

We then entered the stage. With all the cameras and people around, it made me take off my mind about being too conscious of him. Everything went smooth throughout the program and I felt like a lucky fan for even standing right beside him on the same stage.

Before everything ended. I finally looked at him straight in the eye and smiled. I was really happy and wouldn't ask for anything more as he smiled back at me.

A/N: Up next, would be a short POV of Taehyung :)

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