The Forsaken Fortress

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Boys are easily bored. It's our common nature to either have something to do or find something to do. Since Link had nothing to do, he decided to find something to do. What could he do? Boys snoop in girls' stuff, hoping to find some hidden secrets. Link decided he wanted to know more about Tetra. He already found her room, but it was guarded by a pirate named Nudge.

He walked towards the room anyway.

"Stop right there! This is Miss Tetra's cabin! Most of us real pirates aren't even allowed in here! There's no way we're letting an outsider in! Don't you even think about it!"

Link wasn't sure these guys were real pirates. "Alright. But why is it that you guys let Tetra lead?"

Nudge chuckled. "Now you're probably wondering why we treat young Miss Tetra with so much respect when she's clearly so much younger than us, aren't you?"


"Now, I won't go saying this in a very loud voice, but while she may look young...Miss Tetra is actually 35!" Link wasn't amused by the joke, but laughed just to entertain the pirate. "HAR! That's a good joke, ain't it, shrimpy?"

"Good one indeed."

"I suppose it was just chance that we lost our last Miss when Tetra was still young. Hooo...Fate is cruel, she is. That's why Miss Tetra took over so young. She owes it to her predecessor. Everyone's come to respect her for that. For coping with so much, at such an age. Respect has nothing to do with how many years you've been on the earth. But you're probably too young to understand that."

"I'm older than Miss Tetra, mind you. Say, how bad do you like rupees?"

Nudge's eyes shone brightly. "Very much!" Link took out an orange rupee, and could've swore the man's eyes lit brighter. What would you do for this one?"


Link smiled and flicked the rupee to the side. As the pirate scrambled for the gem, Link entered Tetra's cabin.


The day went by smoothly, and Tetra didn't even encounter Link directly the rest of the day. Despite her sending him below deck, he defied her anyway. But he made himself useful as well.

Like right now.

Link sat upon the crow's nest, using his sister's telescope to watch the ocean, hoping that the monstrous bird hasn't gone too far yet. Tetra watched the boy from below, while she stood on the side of the deck as she always does. Neither spoken to each other yet, and given the tension between them earlier, it was probably for the best. They didn't know each other well, but they had six things in common.

Blond hair.



That damn bird.

The comfort of night.

And the loss of a beloved parent, although Link didn't know of Tetra's mother. Given how he thinks she doesn't know his pain, it's probably best he doesn't know yet.

She didn't know how long he's been up there, but she was ready for a midnight snack. "Link?"


"I'm going to get a snack. You want something?"

"Sure. Thanks."

Their second conversation without one ready to kill the other, or both of them ready to kill each other. If she could do to happen again, probably they could get along. She returned with two Hyoi pears, renowned for being top-notch bait for seagulls. She climbed the mast up to the above platform and sat next to Link, handing him a pear. "Here, Hero."

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