The King of Red Lions

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Link walked up to the two tablets on the small island on Dragon Roost. Tetra stayed with the Red King, making final preparations, so Link went alone to the shrine. He walked up to the unbroken tablet, and read it. "Up, left, right. Are those directions?" Link took out the Wind Waker, and waved the magical wand in the specific directions.


The wind flew towards the south, off its eastern path. Link had to hold his hat, and looked towards the wind's direction. The wand worked! "Yep! That's a miiiiiiighty nice breeze!"

"Yes it is." Link smiled at his work before realizing he just answered to someone not sounding like Tetra. He looked to his left and jumped back as he saw a greenish blue frog sitting on a cloud. The frog flew from the Hero's left to his right.

"The name's Zephos. I'm the god of winds. So you're the Wind Waker, are you?"

"I... I guess so."

"Great, great. For a beginner, you've got a nice wind sense about you. I like you, kid! That tune you just picked up is called Wind's Requiem. It gives you control over the direction the wind blows."

Link looked at the wand in astonishment. "Cool."

"Depending on how it's used, wind can be a good thing...or a very bad thing. You want an example of it being a bad thing, then you should see my brother." Zephos flew back to his brother's broken monument. "it saddens me to say that my brother, Cyclos, is miffed about his monument here being broken, and now he spends his time creating cyclones to torment people with."

"Must be highly pissed. I'll watch out for him."

Zephos flew behind his shrine. "So if you encounter any cyclones at sea, chastise my brother for me, will you?"

Link wished Tetra was here now. He hated making decisions that would cause someone else, namely Tetra, to lash out at him. He scratched his head and looked to the side. "...Sure, I guess I could."

"And my request for you!" Zephos flew off, laughing. Link watched him fly until he couldn't see him, and made his way to Tetra and King of Red Lions.

He hoped they wouldn't have to encounter Cyclos.


When Link arrived at the boat, he saw Tetra squeezing her clothes. Oops.

"Just how did the wind change so suddenly?"

Link walked over, trying not to stare at Tetra, and spoke to the boat. "Hey, King."

"Link." The boat looked towards the island. "Tetra told me everything. It would seem that Ganon sent monsters to this place. But that would mean... There is no time to lose. We must depart at once for the place where the next pearl sleeps! We sail to the south!"

"Aye." Link hopped into the boat and looked upon the still drenched Tetra. He didn't look long, as her clothes stuck to her body, and he prefers to keep his eyes. But a little glance didn't hurt. He turned the boat south and began to hoist the sail. It caught the wind, and the King of Red Lions began to move south. After making sure everything was okay, he sat on the opposite side of Tetra, who was silently fuming to herself as she looked at the waters.

Link felt guilty, although it wasn't his fault she fell in the water; after all, he was on the other side of the island. "Hey, Tetra."

"Leave me alone, Link. Not in the mood for your silliness, or anything dealing with you." Link sighed and reached inside his spoils bag for two Hyoi Pears. He took one for himself and handed it to second to Tetra, who hurried took it and returned her sights to the sea. "Thanks."

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