Dragon Roost Island

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"There! Over the horizon!" Link and Tetra followed the boat's instruction and looked towards the western horizon. There laid before them a giant mountain, with a swirl of dark clouds at the peak.

If the teens knew anything, swirling dark clouds aren't good.

"King of Red Lions, what is this place?"

"That is our destination, Link! Dragon Roost Island!"

Tetra scoffed. "No dragons in sight. That's false advertising if you ask me."

"High atop this island's peak live the spirit of the sky...a great dragon by the name of Valoo." The girl rolled her eyes as the boat came upon shore, and somehow the boat lowered the mast on its own. Link and Tetra disembarked from the boat. The king then gave further instructions. "You must go to see this dragon and request from him a jewel called Din's Pearl. Ask the people of the Rito tribe who inhabit this island about how to see the dragon. Oh, I almost forgot! Wait just a moment!" The boat began to toss something in its "mouth" and held a wand with his teeth. "Link, Tetra, this is the Wind Waker. It is a baton of sorts that was used long ago when the people played music in prayer to the gods. In those days, simply using it allowed one to borrow the power of the gods, but I do not know if it still works. Even so, I thought it might be of some use to you. Perhaps you should try using it."

"Let me try it." Tetra snatched the wand, and began waving it first as a sword, then like a conductor's stick, then put it in her hair. "Works as a nice hairpin. Come on Link. Let's find this 'dragon' and speak with it." Tetra went on ahead on the path, while Link turned back to the King of Red Lions.

"Sorry about her."

"Don't worry Link. In the olden days, we had a term for her attitude."

"What was it."

"I rather not say, but it rhymes with bossy stitch."


While Link attempted to figure out what was the boat trying to tell him, he and Tetra worked together to advance on the mountain. Tetra recognized certain flowers as Bomb Flowers, and tossed a few at whatever boulders were in her, and by extension, Link. Of course, Link didn't understand how the flowers grew so fast, but whatever.

After a few minutes of climbing and blowing rocks up, Tetra and Link finally made their way to the wooden structures outside the mountain.

Outside, the Rito mailman, known as Quill to the Rito, was looking out to sea when he heard Link and Tetra approach and faced them. "Link? Link, is that you?"


"It is! I'm pleased to see you're ok! And hello there, Oh Miss Fearsome Pirate!"


"I must say, you two have traveled far for ones with no wings. And your sister... Is she?"

Link turned to Tetra and bowed his head. "No."

"Is that so? Well, don't worry too much. I'm sure she'll hang in there. Oh, I have an idea, Link. Would you like to meet our chieftain? I've told my people here about you, and all of us Rito are very concerned. I'm certain the chieftain will befriend you and lend you the aid of our aerie."

Link looked at Tetra once more and smiled. "See how easy it was. That happens when you stop being a bossy stitch!"


"Sure, we'll meet the chieftain."

"It's settled! I'll fly on ahead and let everyone know you're coming." Quill flew towards the mountain, leaving the teens behind.

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