Hero and Pirate

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Tetra sat in the middle of the chamber of the Master Sword, focusing on her newfound powers she obtained while meeting with Ruto, Nabooru, and Rauru. She definitely loved the one Rauru taught her, the ability to summon magic. They helped her become occupied, and wrestle with the new experiences she had over the last three weeks. It has been a rough month since Link left (Rauru helped with giving her the time), and honestly, the Sages' work so far has been productive. Whatever was happening to Tetra, it was freeing the other girl who originally inhabited this body, a person who slept for seven years in the aftermath of her mother's demise-Zelda.

Tetra was always a person who knew the cost of sacrifice, but Zelda knew how to sacrifice herself before others, even if it meant losing godly powers and immortality. Saria taught her that.

Tetra knew how to be manipulative, but Zelda knew, no matter how wrong it may seem to her, how to manipulate for the greater good. Darunia was a good teacher.

Tetra, when she went to the Era of the Minish, knew that big things come from small packages (although she highly doubted that), but Zelda left knowing that from the smallest seed comes the biggest tree. Ruto, despite the legendary harshness from the Sage of Water, told her that.

Nabooru's lesson made sense, both in Era and heritage, for while Tetra knew that numbers didn't mean everything, Zelda learned that numbers mean nothing unless there'x trust and accordance.

However, Tetra's mind was not on the other times. Her brain processed two things, three, actually. The state of her boys, as they must be worried about her. Ganondorf, and whatever he's up to. But neither of those were heavier on her mind compared to the boy in green. Link's absence was tremendously worrying her. Yes, Tetra silently admitted, she severely cared for the boy so much it was criminal. He was her first true friend. Her boys are fully grown men, and are men, and cannot understand what's it like to be a parentless, friendless, child, but Link could up to a point. His father's heroic death led to the short survival of his comrade and Tetra's mother, and Link was a fallen apple from the tree. He had bravery she admired, the strength she desired, and wit that matched her own. When they first met two and a half months ago, he was willing to leave his corner of the world for his sister, and she (Tetra) sought revenge against the Helmaroc King. They were then pitted against an ancient evil together, and Tetra initially had her doubts. She wasn't used to be...denied, she guessed.

But when she was knocked out by Kalle Demos, and woke to find out Link tended to her, her whole perception of the young man changed. That's when those unfamiliar feelings set it, but that was more than a month ago. She knew it when Link revived her a second time when Link left her here, and as she awaits his return how she feels about him.

Just as Tetra's fireball struck the heart of her makeshift target, love's arrow struck her own, and the archer was Link. Tetra, the savvy, headstrong, fearless captain of pirates, was in love with the courageous islander from Outset. By all means, another Princess found her Hero. Tetra's greatest wish came true almost seven years after she made it.

Tetra lowered and vanished the fire from her hands, and cupped her hands on her heart. "Mother... If you were alive, could you relate to how I feel for Link, you felt for Father? I don't know if Link feels the same way, and if he doesn't, I'll wait. But once we beat Ganondorf... " Tetra felt tears well up in his eyes, and while she would normally hold them back, these needed to be released. She fell on her knees and cried. "I... I don't want to lose him. Yes, it is stubborn, to take him away from his family, but I don't want to lose my friend My...only friend... "

A hand squeezed Tetra's shoulders, although she did not acknowledge it. She kept crying as a familiar, yet long gone voice spoke to her. "You are my child, certainly."

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