Forest Haven

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"Link! Tetra! Look upon the horizon!"

The Hero and Pirate ended their conversation and looked at the place they were headed for. It was still some time away, but they could see two large and tall islands rising out the horizon. Link wondered if his dad ever went this far, but if he didn't, Link would do it for him. "You been here before, Tetra?"

"No. I kept to the western side of the world." Tetra had never been to this corner of the Great Sea. This was as new as an experience for her as it is for Link. "So, if this used to be part of the legendary land, which part was it?"

"You'll see in time." The teens sat back in their positions, quiet as a mouse. The King of Red Lions was being very cryptic, as usual. Link went to sharpening his blade with a rock he found on Dragoon Roost, humming to himself a very upbeat tune. Tetra fiddled with her semi-dry clothes, listening to the boy hum. She recognized the song, but couldn't think of its name.

"Hey, Link, what is the name of the song you're humming?"

"Uhh... I think it is called Sarah's Song. Something like that. King, do you know?"

"Saria's Song."

"Right. It is said that the Hero of Time learned this song from a child in the forest where he use to live. He also used it to cheer up the Fire Sage before he defeated King Dodongo. It also helped navigate the legendary Lost Woods." Tetra looked at the green eyed boy with slight contempt. He knew more about this than her!

"That island of yours must know a lot of history."

"Nah, I learn it from my dad. He knew a lot about the legends, even before the Hero of Time."

Tetra moved over by Link's side, and looked back at the distant Forest Haven. "Well, tell me one, o knowledgeable one."

"Well, the first one he told me was of a goddess and her chosen hero. The names are lost in history, but somehow they set the premise for the recurring Hero and Princess. They were best friends, possibly...well, he said they were very, very, very close, but not lovers yet. They and their people lived in the skies, sent by the goddess herself to keep them safe."


"Uh huh. But, of course, we had to come down. The chosen hero had to save the reincarnated goddess, who was his best friend, and also, with some help, created the sacred sword. In the end, the chosen one fought the demon who originally plagued the land, and beat him. But the demon also made a curse."

"A curse?"

"It goes something like this. 'Though this is not the end. My hate... never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again. Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!'"

Tetra looked appalled. "I... I never heard of that."

The King looked back at them with a frown. "Sadly, some only apply the curse to Ganon, when in fact, it could apply to any villain who torments the Hero and Princess. Ganon won't be around forever, and he hasn't been around forever. Your father believed this, Link?"


"Very knowledgeable man he was." The King turned back around, and Link gleamed with pride.

"Hmph, looks like it didn't pass down to his son." Link turned to Tetra, who had her signature look, the crossed arms and winking.

"Hey! That was one thing! I was in the moment, and you can't say no to a god!"

"Can you? Or are you scared to say no?"

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