Tower Of The Gods

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Link thumped his fingers on the side of the boat as he very impatiently waited for Tetra. She decided, at the last moment, to change her clothes, so Link had to dock the King of Red Lions back at the pier of Outset, and Tetra ran into his grandma's house to change. Link did take the time to meet with the other islanders, and miraculously, didn't even think of Sue Belle as he usually did. It must be the task at hand that prevents him from thinking of anything else. Yes, that's it.

It damn well isn't Tetra.

Sure, they were friends, as much he didn't want to admit it, and sure he would protect her like she's dear to him, but don't get it twisted. He didn't like her like that.

If he wanted to, he could save the world himself. The Hero of Time did, so why not him? He didn't need the pirate. After all, what did she provide for him? Companionship? Red could do that. Assistance? Yeah right! All she provided was unnecessary uses of his breath and attitude. He didn't need her. He might have said he did, but let's be honest. If a hot girl, or for the ladies, a hot guy, or however you roll, was right in front of you, would you be honest?

Didn't think so.

But yet, Link couldn't think of why he wouldn't need her. She did slightly save him, although he probably wouldn't have died. She was better in sync with the sea than he was, giving she has lived on a boat her entire life. She knew how to make potions, a much-needed necessity for his travels. She provided companionship on the field. She was the only way he was going to get to Aryll.

Oh, right, she's the reason Aryll was captured in the first place.

Link sighed and draped his arms over the edges of the boat, waving his hands in the water. He, too, had changed attires, since his tunic was deteriorating due to his travels. He wore a light green long-sleeve shirt, with a normal green vest to top it. He had on a new pair of white pants and cleaned his brown boots, and had a brown wrap around his waist instead of a belt. He still had his irreplaceable green cap with him, however. He would come back for the tunic later, when he's in the Outset area, hopefully with Aryll by his side.

"Anything on your mind, Link?" The head of the King of Red Lions was turned toward him, its expression the same as always. Blank. But his words sounded like the boat was concerned about the lone passenger.

Link was bored, and his partner in crime was still getting dressed as far as he knew, and speaking to the boat wouldn't hurt. "There's something on my mind."

"Care to share?"

"Why Tetra and me? Could not I do it alone like the legendary Hero?"

King shook his head. "As I said before, the legends, while true to a point, always leave out certain things. The Hero of Time was not alone. He had his fairy, the Six Sages, and the Princess in disguise."

Link knew some of that. "But still. No one assisted him in the temples. Fairies can't do too much."

King turned his head to the sea. "True. But didn't I tell you about the last time the Hero was present? He and the Princess worked together to save Hyrule. If it wasn't for Ganondorf's huge threat to the Triforce at the moment, we could've had more time. The Hero wasn't ready, and we had not yet gained the necessary item to defeat Ganondorf."

"What is that?"

The boat turned back to Link. "You will know soon enough. Both you and Tetra will have to prove yourselves worthy first."

Link looked back at the water, staring at his reflection. "I am the one who shall possess this item, right?"

"Yes. Unless you want her to take it?"

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