A Link To Their Past

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"Your Majesty, he's coming!"

"What do we do?"

"We're outnumbered!"

"SILENCE!" The six Knights of Hyrule inside the castle turned to their king, mouths shut tight. They were rightfully scared, as they knew their demise was at hand. They didn't know the plan. Nobody except a select few knew the plan. The King sighed in resignation and looked at each and every man under his command. "My subjects, you will not fall today. The goddesses have given us a final plan, one you shall witness, but not here. Leave the castle, and go to high ground."

The troops were stunned by the message. Abandon their King? "But sire, the Hero-"

"There's no time for Link and Zelda to save us."'But I can save them.'

The troops stood for a moment before in a final act of loyalty, turned to the incoming army, ready to die. The King of Hyrule almost ordered them to leave, but in the face of death, these six men were ready to fight.

"Father!" From behind him, the voice of a young woman startled him, and he turned to the arms of his daughter, her tears soaking his robe. "Father, come with us! Please!"

"Zelda, I cannot."

"Yes, you can! Why are you being so stubborn!"

The King looked up, gazing into the sad eyes of the failed Link. Link wasn't silently pleading, but silently understanding. "Zelda, my dear daughter, one day, you will know. One day, you will understand. As King, I am Hyrule, and Hyrule is me. When one suffers, so does the other. A captain falls with her ship. A king falls with his country." A loud boom sounded off from the distance. He was getting closer. The King turned to his most loyal knights, their gaze on the king. "Gonzo, Senza, Mako, Zuko, Niko, and Nudge. My loyal friends, I have but one final task for you."

Gonzo, leader of the six, walked up to his king. "Whatever you ask, Your Majesty."

He nodded his head to Zelda, still weeping in his arms. "Protect my daughter, and protect Link as if he's my son...in law. Flee to higher ground."

Gonzo looked to his comrades before looking back at the King of Hyrule. "Yes, sir."

The King pulled away from his daughter and wiped the tears from her eyes. He immediately gripped her right hand. "Zelda... I'm sorry." Before she could speak, the Triforce of Wisdom was summoned from her hand. It floated to the King, who produced a necklace from his pocket. "To ensure that Ganondorf does return, I shall assist the chosen ones. In that position, I shall carry a piece of the Triforce of Wisdom." On cue, a small sliver of the relic broke off and went to the hands of the King. "The other part shall stay with you, Zelda, and be passed down generation to generation until the day comes the two pieces meet again." The larger piece snapped itself on the necklace and gravitated towards the Princess of Hyrule. The King then turned to Link. "My boy, come here, and give me your left arm." Link stepped forward, his left arm outstretched. The King took his hand and summoned the Triforce of Courage from it. "When he who displays courage returns, he shall join with her who displays wisdom and gather the eight shards of the Triforce of Courage. Only together will he be stopped." On cue, the Triforce of Courage broke into eighths and flew across the land.

The King turned to the lower entrance to the castle, knowing time was running out. "Link... Zelda... I am sorry, but I must stay. But as a father, in our final moments together, I bestow upon you my blessing."


The King nodded to Gonzo, who ordered everyone out. The King turned back to the castle's entrance, ignoring the final cries of his daughter as he came to terms with his destiny.

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