Part 12

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Angel's Point of View

I sat on the picnic table a little while later nursing my fourth bottle of beer, trying to wrap my head around what the hell was going on with me. In a matter of days, my feelings for Sophia went from strictly platonic to wanting her so badly my heart hurts. I had done my best to keep up the brother sister act for years, but I couldn't keep it up anymore. At the same time, I knew EZ was crazy about her and I wasn't being fair.

I lifted the beer bottle to my lips and took a big sip before putting the bottle down again. I hadn't seen Sophia come out of the clubhouse again after she left me here alone with my thoughts, and my only assumption was that she had turned to EZ for comfort. The thought made me jealous, which was irrational, because I had plenty of opportunities to tell Sophia how I felt over the years and I never did. It was my own damn fault.

"You lied to me," Laura said quietly as she sat down beside me on the table handing me a fresh beer, "Why didn't you tell me the truth that night in the hospital?"

"Because I didn't realize it at the time, Laura," I mumbled before downing the rest of my beer, "I just realized it last night. Talk about bad fucking timing."

"What happened today?" Laura asked me, "Sophia seemed lost in her own little world earlier tonight. Maybe even confused."

"We had to ask something of her today that none of us wanted to ask," I replied, looking over at her, "She had a complete melt down, which was understandable, and I went full boyfriend on holding her, and kissing her on the forehead and trying to comfort confused the hell out of us both."

"Don't you always do that?" Laura asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Funny..." I retorted, "This was different...I called her baby and didn't even correct myself. It may sound completely pathetic, but it's bothering me and I know I threw Sophia for a loop. She told me to stop whatever it was that I was doing because it isn't fair to EZ."

"Well, it's true, Angel," Laura replied, "They care about each other and she doesn't want to hurt him."

I threw the empty beer bottle against the closest wall and sighed. Laura was right. EZ and Sophia both deserved a little happiness and all I was doing was ruining that for them.

"I'm done," I said to Laura, "I have no right to do what I'm doing. They both deserve to be happy and I'm not doing anything to help that."

I gave her one last look before I hopped off the table and made my way to the clubhouse. When I entered there were several girls sitting at the bar waiting for the right patch to come along and I was hoping that one of them would be willing to take my mind off of things for awhile.

"Ladies," I said, announcing my presence. A couple of the girls smiled at me and one of them caught my eye. Her long blond hair braided down her back and her bright blue eyes burning into mine. The minidress she was wearing barely left anything to the imagination and at that particular moment, I was alright with that.

"Hey baby," I said quietly to her as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, "You wanna get out of here?"

She nodded her head and I flashed her the famous "Reyes" smile before leaning in and kissing her full on the mouth.


Sophia's Point of View

After I left Angel at the picnic table I escaped into the back office, wanting to avoid as many people as I could. I wasn't in the mood for conversation or worse, small talk. I had a lot on my mind and I had no idea where to start. EZ had come in a short while later with a bottle of Tequila, two shot glasses and two beers. I talked and he listened, about everything except for Angel, that is. I cried and he held me. We drank and drank and then we eventually passed out.

When I opened my eyes a few hours later, the back office was dark and the music had stopped, not to mention there was a very warm body next to me. As my eyes adjusted to the dark of the room, I realized that EZ somehow squished both of us onto the couch and I was nose to nose with him. I smiled to myself and I moved my head back slightly and watched as he slept.

"Why are you staring at me?" he mumbled without opening his eyes.

"Because you're kind of gorgeous," I replied in a whisper, "I enjoy staring at you."

EZ's eyes opened and a small smile crept across his lips.

"I enjoy staring at you too."

He moved in and kissed me softly on the nose before he sat up and pulled me up with him. I stared at him for a moment before I straddled his lap and played with the hair at the base of his neck.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me as he looked deep into my eyes, "I know today was a rough day for you."

"I'm exhausted," I replied, "and I am not looking forward to tomorrow."

"I don't think any of us are..."

He cupped my face in his hands, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs and my heart leaped slightly in my chest. He looked at me with such intensity and while I felt it too, I also felt guilty because my feelings for Angel kept popping up at the most inopportune times. I tried to push those feelings away as I lifted my hands up and held onto his forearms, staring into his eyes and trying to figure out what he was thinking at that moment.

"I don't think you're telling me everything, Sophia," he said quietly, "All day, you have been somewhere else. Your mind has been with...someone else."

My eyes widened, knowing that I had been caught, but I couldn't find the words to properly tell him what was going on inside me emotionally and mentally. Everything had been fine before EZ came into the picture and now I could barely tell which way was up half of the time.

"EZ..." I mumbled, "It's...complicated."

"It is and I knew that going into this," he replied, "You and I, as far as I know, we aren't exclusive. It's not that I wouldn't want to be, but I know there is a lot going on inside that beautiful head of yours. I know your heart is being pulled in two very different directions and I am not going to ask you to choose between me and Angel. I like you a lot, Sophia, and I am enjoying having fun with you and right now, for me, that is enough. If and when you want more, all you have to do is say the word."

"I don't want to hurt you, EZ," I whispered, pressing my forehead against his, "I'm just really confused. I know exactly where I stand with you and what you feel for me. You're exactly what I need...but like you said, my heart is being pulled in two different directions."

He pulled away from me and sat me down on the couch before standing up and shoving his hands in his pockets. I looked up at him and I knew the conversation was over.

"You should get some rest," he said with a sad smile, "We aren't leaving too early, but it is going to be a long and gruelling day for you."


"We'll talk tomorrow," he replied as he reached for the door knob, "I'm exhausted and I just need to be alone for a bit."

After he closed the door behind him I curled up on the couch and pulled the blanket up to my chin. He just finished saying that what he was sharing with me was enough for him right now and then he just walked out. It left my mind reeling and I was not any less confused than I had been all day.

"The Reyes brothers are going to be the death of me."


Thank you all for reading my story. I feel very proud of this fanfic so far and it has been fun to loose myself in this world. Please comment and let me know what you think. Also, I just want to know your opinions on a part I am struggling with...Who should Sophia end up with?

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