Rock And Rolls Not Dead

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We get into colson car and drive to school. As soon as we get out of his car everyone stares at us. I roll my eyes and walk through the corridors. Colson walks me to my locker kisses me and leaves to his lesson. I close my locker to see halseys smug face stood there.
H: so you and colson huh?
A: yep.
H:  well that's an amazing combination isnt it.
A: what does that mean.
H: nothing.
A: I said what does that mean.
At that point I had her pinned up against the lockers. The principal walls past.
P: Alex my office now.
I let go off her and she laughs.
A: bitch.
Halsey goes to get me until the principal shouts me again. I sit in his office.
P: what have I told you of threatening other students.
A: I know.
P: then don't.
A: look im sorry just she grinds on me.
P: I know. Now I don't want to see you for the rest if the day OK.
A:  OK.

I walk out and go to class. I sit down next to Dom. He smiles at me.
D: so you and colson huh.
A: why does everyone keep saying that.
D: oh sorry.
A: it's fine. Have you figured out who you are going to record 11 minutes with yet.
D: oh yeah.....Halsey.
A: really.
D: she has a great voice.
A: does she fuck.
Dom looks down then looks at me.
D: you really do show your jelouse for her.
A: me jealous of her.
D: yeah.
A: ugh.
I get up and get my bag. I ignore the teacher and walk out of the school at towards colson car.

A: hey can you drive me home l? 🖤
C: I can in 10 minutes. Is everything OK? ❤️
A: ill explain on the way 🖤
C: OK. I'm coming out of class now. Where abouts are you. ❤️
A: I'm at your car.🖤
C: OK. I see you.

He unlocks his car and we drive to mine.
C: what happened.
A: halseys has took over dom
C: how do you know
A: well yesterday he was calling her a bitch and today he's recording a song with her.
C: it's fine your an amazing singer.
A: that's not all he said I was jelous of her tf.
C: ignore him babe.
A: planning too.
C: we are here.
A: listen you go back to school ill text you.
C: OK.

I kiss colson before getting out of the car and walking into my house.
A: I'm home.
My dad comes out of his office and stands at the top of the stairs.
D: it's about time. Climbs out of your window in the middle of the night and come back the next day when your suppose to be in school. Explain.
A: listen I went to a friends house and I knew you were going to say no so I snuck put. I went to school but then halseys said something about colson.
D: colson. The barkers boy. Why would that concern you.
A: because...... We are kind of...... Well we are...... Together.
D: Alex. I raised you better.
A: dad pls give him a chance I know you hate him. But you want me to be happy. Pls.
D: fine. But. You can't go to no parties or friends house for a week.
A: fine. I'm sorry.
D: I'm glad your OK. Just ask next time.

I smile at him. Then I walk upstairs and hug him. My doors unlocked. I'm guessing my dad's guards unlocked it to try and see if I was in my room. I get changed. I like colsons top but I want to be more.... Me.


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Shit. I left my charger at colsons. I walk to my dads office and knock on his door.
A: hey is it OK if I go and get my charger from colsons and go and get some coffee please.
D: yeah. Straight home and invite him over for dinner.
I nod and smile before running downstairs and grabbing my tesla keys and head out. My phone rings through my car and I answer it. It's colson.
A: hey what's up.
C: I had a text from you and is your dad really inviting me over for diner.
A: yeah that surprised me too. Also I'll be at yours in two mins.
C: OK see you in a bit.
A: OK. Bye.
The call ends and I pull up into his drive way. I knock on the door. Mr Barker opens the door.
Mr.B: hi can I help you.
A: hi I'm here to see colson is he here.
Mr.B: may I ask who you are.
A:  I'm Alex. Colsons girlfriend.
C: hey Alex. Dad.
Mr.B: colson how come you never told me you had a girlfriend.
C: I was going to but we have to go Alex has to be home in half and hour.
Mr.B: nice meeting you alex.
A: you too Mr Barker.

Colson has hold of my hand as we go down to the basement aka his room. I sit on his bed.
C: what are u doing here.
A: so I need you to uber an ice coffee from starbucks and I'm going to give you some tips to win over my dad.
C: aww Alex why can't we just cuddle for a bit.
A: no I'm here to save you. My dad thinks he is better than everyone and its just......

Before I could finish the rest of my sentence colson had pulled me into the bed and was kissing me and that was when dom walks in.
D: oh shit.
Ne nae colson both looks up in horror
C: ah shit I forgot you were coming here to record something.
A: I'm gonna go before my dad chops off my head. Also colson cover up your tattoos. Please.
C: fine. See you tonight.
A: OK. Bye.

Colson P. O. V
I'm sat in my room waiting for Alex to come and that when I walk upstairs and my dad is talking to her. Our families hate each other so I quickly grab her and we go down to my room. She seemed pretty moody and all I wanted to do was kiss her so I did and that was when dom walked in. He's a cool guy just halsey has him under her spell. Alex storms off and ignores dom.
D: what's up with her.
C: her dad has invited us over for dinner and I need to look my best and have my tattoos cover.
D: but man your covered.
C: I know. Can I ask you something?
D: yeah.
C: why did you record a track with halsey.
D: she's a good singer.
C: dom she can't sing even with auto tune.
D: ugh fine. Please don't kill me.
C: I won't man.
D: I like Alex and she found out. She said the only way no ine would find out about this is if I record 11 minutes with her and if.....I date her.
C: fuck she is phsyco and any way many dudes like Alex she's hot.
D: so you don't care.
C: ill ask is dint be disrespectful to Alex ill knoxk fuck out of ya man.

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