Limit Beyond The Sky

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Yet again we both go into school and yet again whispers follow. But today the whispers were more like.
'as if she got kicked out'
'she's such a charity case'
'he's only dating her because he feels sorry for her'

I just ignored them said goodbye to colson and head into tutorial. I sat in the same old chair next to dom. He didn't say anything just smiled at me and I rolled my eyes at him. Hkasey then struts over and sits in doms table. I give her a dirty look.
H: aw you jelouse that I got what you wanted.
A: yeah not like I have a boyfriend or anything.
D: halsey just leave her she's had enough in the last 3 days.
H: dom sh. Colson only dating you because he feels sorry for you.
A: he's bit I've been with him for a while now.
H: your lying.
I totally was. I had been with him for like 2 days but had been sleeping with him for much longer.
A: I'm not.
H: you are.
A: prove it.
H: because Me and colson were sleeping together 2 days ago.
A: he would never do such a thing.
H: he would.
She showed me message from the night when he messaged me and I said he couldn't come over. I got up. I slapped her. Dom gets up and comes over to me.
H: don't you dare leave because if you do u will tell everyone your secret.
D: tell everyone I don't cats it's nothing to be ashamed of Alex is a kind caring person and your just a bitch.
H: fine dom has a crush on Alex.
A: can we talk about this later I have to go see colson.
I walk out the class with everyone following. I walk into colson tutor.
A: colson van I talk to you.
C: yeah what is it babe?
A: why did you sleep with halseh when I was with you.
C: I would never.
A: what ask me and then when I was busy you go off with some other lass
C: babe I can explain.
A: you know what.
C: what.
A: you know what I've been through and you just shot it in my face. So thanks.
C: Alex can we please sort this out. I love you.
A: you should of thought about that before you slept with her.

I barge past the audience and go outside. I have no where else to go. I burst I to tears.
D: hey.
A: hey.
D: wanna talk about it?
A: yeah.
D: go ahead.
A: my dad kicked me out because I stood up for colson. He then disowned me. Colson then slept with halsey and no I have no where to go.
D: couldn't you sleep in a hotel room.
A: my dad canceled my card so no.
D: listen I know you probably hate my guts but you can live at mine.
A: are you sure u don't want to disturb your family.
D: it's just me.
A: thanks dom.

I hug him. He's a kind and  caring person no matter what happens.
D: so do you wanna go back to mine now.
A: van we go to mine so I can veg ny stuff before my dad gets rid of it. I'll get a van.
He nods I phone up a van company and they said they will be there in 10 minutes. When we pulled up to my house they were there. I knocked on the door and our buttler opens it. He steps to the side while em and all the movers put stuff into boxes and move it out.

After they were done I stood in my room and just looked at it. It hurts knowing that my dad was the only person that really cared for me and now he's kicking me out. I want to apologise and tell him I was an idiot for falling for colson..... But if I do tgta will show I'm weak and I'm not. Dom walks in and puts his arm around me.
D: you got everything.
A: oh I'm gonna go get my guitar but that will be able to fit in your car. Can you give the movers your address and I'll meet you in the car.

He nods then heads off. I wlak into my recording room. I have memories from since I was a little girl. As soon as I picked up an instrument everything was invisible. The world didn't exist. I pick up my guitars and start putting them in there cases. That when my dad walks in. He gives me a small smile and I just turn around. He walks up to me and touches me on my shoulder. I turn around.
D: look. I'm sorry.
A: for what. Kicking out your 16 year old daughter. I think you would be happy to kbwo me and colson have broke up.
D: Alex. I'm sorry. You don't understand.
A: no dad you don't understand. I'm 16 and these are supposed to be the best days of  life but no. I odnt have a penny to my name.
D: I can give you some money.
A: I'm not being a charity case.
D: your not. Your my daughter.
A:that's not what you said last night.
D: I'm sorry.

Tahts when my mum walks in with Melissa following her.
Mel: ugh. What's she doing here.
M: yes dave. What is she doing here?
A: fuck off you phsycotic cow.
M: well that's not the way to speak to your mother.
A: you've never been a mother to me.
M: after everything I've done for you. Your still a selfish cow.
A: what for you trying to kill me so you could get closer to my dad. Yeah I'm selfish.

I finish putting my guitars away and that when she snatches off my kbecjlace from around my kneck. That knecklace I had since I was grandma. My dads mum gave to me before she died.
A: give me that back.
M: you don't deserve it.
A: you don't deserve a life but you still have it. Now give me it back.
I go reach for it and that when she throws it on the floor and stamps on it. It's shattered to pieces. I scream. Dom comes running in.
I stand up and go for her but dom gets me.
D: Alex she's not worth it. Come on.
He picks up my guitars and me and we walk to the car.

My grandma was my everything. She was the one picking me up after my scrapes and cleaning my winds from my mum whiping me.

I don't remember arriving at doms or the car journey. I get in and sit on his Kitchen counter still in shock.
D: hey.
I look up to him. He starts wiplping my tears away. I smile.
A: thanks.
D: about what halsey......
He didn't have time to finish his sentence and that's when I kissed him. He pulls away and smiles. Then goes back in.

A few days later.
I stayed off school and the school understood. Me and dom are still dating. In fact tonight he has a concert and we are going to supprise his fan base with me coming on and singing a few duets with him.

{hey I know this chapter is long but Im not even sorry. Thanks 🖤}

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