Chapter 17 - I Can Hear You

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Jeju is beautiful. We’ve been up and down cliffs, mountains… Gosh, it’s so breathtaking.

It's so beautiful that I almost forgot all of our problems. Almost.

But then it haunts us. She really is so persistent, huh?

Jungkook’s phone rings again, for like the 5th time this morning.

“Give me that.” I demand him.

“I turned it down already.”

“Just give her the damn phone, I feel like the whole room vibrates with your phone.” Taehyung intervenes, looking more pissed than anyone else in the room.

Jungkook sighs but nevertheless hands me his phone. She’s been calling since last night?! What does she want? Thank God, Jungkook doesn’t answer her.

“Your phone is confiscated until the end of this trip, do you understand? And the next time she’ll call I’ll answer and curse her.”

I hear Taehyung stifles a laugh while I see Jungkook bites his lips to stop himself from laughing. I frown at the both of them.

“What’s funny?”

“I dare you say ‘motherfucker’ just once and I’ll treat you that peanut ice cream Jin hyung refused to buy earlier.” Taehyung dares with that arrogant smile.

Eh? I hesitate but might as well give it a go for free ice cream. “Mother-”

“ICE CREAM GUYS!” Jin shouts as he approaches us with four peanut ice creams, perfectly balanced, in hand.

“Yay!” I run towards Jin and immediately take two of the ice creams he had. I went back to Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung expectantly reaches towards me for an ice cream but I immediately hand it over Jungkook.

“Yah, Rosé! You just got lucky.”

“I can say it. I just refuse to.” I say as I enjoy eating my ice cream.

“What’s happening?” Jin looks back and forth to Taehyung and me. Taehyung is about to run but I beat him in doing anything.

“He asks me to say a bad word.”

All of them looked at me for a while, as if trying to decipher if I’m an alien or what, until they all burst out laughing.

“A BAD WORD? ROSE HOW ARE YOU GONNA CURSE SOMEONE IF YOU CAN’T SAY A ‘BAD WORD’” Taehyung air quoted it and bent over to laugh more.

Jin coughs to stop himself but fails epicly. “Hey, kids. Enough enough. The baby might cry.”

“THE BABY?!” I exasperated.

I fake cry and hug the person next to me… which is Jin’s big scary bodyguard. Never in my entire life that I thought of being this close to this scary guard but… he hugged me back so I literally WAILED.

They continued laughing for a while but they try to console me afterwards. I had to stop because my ice cream is melting but that doesn’t mean they are all forgiven for laughing.

We finished eating our ice cream first before heading out to the road again. Before we enter the van, Jungkook grabs me and pulls me away from it.

“You okay now?” he asks while smiling, as if he’s still remembering what happened earlier.

I glared at him but he just gave me this cute bunny smile. He then reaches out and wipes something off of my lips with his handkerchief. “You’re such a baby, Rosé.”

I just let him. I kinda get used to Jungkook taking care of me anyways. But of course, if I’m a baby… he’s a bigger baby. “Says someone with ice cream all over his favorite white shirt.”

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