My Angel, My Rosé

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Jungkook's Point of View:


Who would have thought that aside from a fucking dish, my favorite person in the world would be Rosé?

I stare at her as she muses about the world. Oh, how she loves this world... and I'd live every day of my life making sure that she knows this world loves her too.

"Jungkook, don't you just love the rain?" She asks as we overlook the rarely quiet city of Seoul which is currently being lulled by the pleasant sound of the rain.

I smile at her. She doesn't need to wait for my answer.

She closes her eyes and just drowns herself with the sound of the rain. "Joohyun's right. I'm such a romantic." She says to herself.

"And she's also right that life isn't always rainbows and butterflies. That's why I appreciated the rain more. I experienced it. The pause that it is which somehow gives the world it's needed time to breathe from the constants that sometimes gets tiring. People slow down on the streets giving them more time to look around their surroundings, people stay at home to laugh and share stories with their families or friends, people hug their loved ones a little tighter as they sleep for a little more warmth; the rain manages to do that. And at the end of it all, it leaves a beautiful gift: rainbows show up painting the sky beautiful colors; flowers bloom for the butterflies to play. Life continues, a little brighter, a little lovelier and a little less lonelier."

She breathes in slowly and holds it for a while before releasing. She then opens her eyes "Ah, the world is so beautiful. I still question if I belong in its beauty."

I grab her hand and pull her to me. I envelop her waist from the back as I kiss her shoulder before I place my chin on it and look at the same horizon she's marveling at. The sun is slowly peeking in as the rain turns into a whisper before it bids its goodbye. "You have a beautiful soul, Chaeyoung. This beautiful world needs more of that beauty."

"Do you know that I love you?" she asks innocently, not knowing what it does to my heart.

"Of course, I know. Why would I even marry you if I don't know that?"

Ah. A decade already but it feels as if it was just yesterday.

"Good. Always remember that. Please always remember my love."

Yes. Chaeyoung.

I'll always remember.

In fact, I managed to remember. And this time... I'll never forget.

I hold her hand, and there I feel the ring I gave her. It has a small stone in it that I accidentally found on the back of one of the canvases of Jieun's paintings. The one where she painted her angel, Chaeyoung.

The stone was hidden in a paper that contains a note from her. I never imagined that when noona told me angels were real that she really did know that they were.

The note said:

"Dear you,

I bet it will be Jungkook reading this letter. But whoever finds this tear, you found it because you need an angel in your life. And you're gonna believe that they're real... and they're doing their best to protect you and your happiness.

So be happy. And always believe.


Jeon Jieun."

Everything came back all at once. All the forgotten feelings. All of her traces in me. I remember hearing Jimin talk about it. How overwhelming it can get until it all just made sense. That she just fits in your existence perfectly as if she never left.

He cried so bad for a week when he had the tear. But when I had mine...

I immediately asked her to marry me and spend the rest of her beautiful existence here in this world holding my hand and never letting it go.

The morning comes as the rain stops. Another day has passed... but there's still a lifetime to live and be happy with my love...

My angel;

My Rosé.


Author's Note:

You are reading the end of Broken Wings.

Thank you very much for making it this far. Seriously, my heart swells with all of the support you gave from the very beginning til the end. It is indeed a beautiful journey.

Til next time :)

Goodbye for now,


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