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"No, no, no, he didn't go out at 4 in the morning to just do that." Ranpo argued with Tanizaki, who was jittery and on edge due to Ranpo's authority. Tanizaki was assigned by Fukuzawa to solve a case with Ranpo. Tanizaki questioned himself as to why Ranpo would need help if he could just use his "Super Deduction"??

Then he noticed that Ranpo was licking on a lollipop while having a hard time on opening a simple soda can. 'Oh, so that's why Fukuzawa-san requested help...'

Other than these two doing their daily thing, it was basically like any other day in the office. Almost everyone in the agency was doing their common and everyday work.


Dazai was just scrolling through his phone, looking at unnecessary what-not that was trending in social media these days. He may have been scrolling through social media, but he was really focusing on what Fukuzawa said to him yesterday. 'Control your emotions? What the hell does that mean?"

Kunikida noticed that Dazai was not working and typing away on his computer (like always) so he threw a book at him; the compilation of papers hitting him straight in the head. Dazai groaned and quickly rubbed the spot his partner hit, "OwWwW Kunikida-kun... What was that for?" 

"Do your work, you bandage-wasting device!" The blond yelled as he turned his back on Dazai and continued to work. Dazai started to get used to this routine of Kunikida. His partner would shout at him, telling him to go back to work; and he never listened. That's how Dazai is. Stubborn and mysterious.

Dazai lowkey sighed, not wanting to alert anyone of his frustration towards Kunikida. The two are amazing partners and Dazai loves teasing Kunikida to no end but sometimes, it just gets infuriating and irksome.

"Are you alright, Dazai-san?" A certain new member asked Dazai from behind; causing his eyes to widen. 'So much for hiding your pent up frustration.' Dazai turned around to face Atsushi with a silly grin on his face, "Hehe, I'm so glad you worry about me Atsushi!!" Dazai stood up from his chair with his arms out: indicating a hug.

Atsushi sweat dropped as he moved to the right with his spinning chair, causing Dazai to hug with the floor instead, "I'm not much of a hugger... Sorry, Dazai-san." Dazai grimaced when he hit the floor but with a smile, "I-It's alright..."

While those two sort things out, Ranpo was with Fukuzawa in his office, "When will she be coming in?" Fukuzawa sipped his tea, eyes closed as he answered Ranpo's question, "Why are you so eager to know when she will be coming in?" The president opened his eyes to see Ranpo smiling with his tongue out while scratching the back of his head, "Well..."

The president sighed, "Anyway, she should be coming in any minute now. But it seems like she'll be late today." Fukuzawa looked at the clock behind Ranpo, "I wonder how Dazai will react."

"I predict he would walk out." Ranpo said to the president who nodded at him, "Plausible."

"How exactly did you convince her to come back?" Fukuzawa stared into the extraordinary green eyes of Ranpo, "We had a little chat." Ranpo tilted his head, "What kind of chat, exactly?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Ranpo sighed at his superior's lack of revealing things. Why should he keep such an important occasion secret from the others? Maybe he wanted to surprise them? But Fukuzawa wasn't much of a man of surprises (except when it comes to battles.)

Ranpo rested his head on the top of his palm. Seemingly to look as if deep in thought, "You should go back to work, Ranpo." The president stated. Making his comrade whine out, "I know you requested to speak with me so you could skip some of your wor-" Ranpo groaned whilst he stood up, "Alright alright..."

Ranpo surely took his time to walk out of the president's office, making the ends of Fukuzawa's lips slightly rise up, "Please walk faster, Ranpo." The president suddenly voiced out through the silence, making Ranpo slightly jump and pout.

The second Ranpo finally walked out of his office, Fukuzawa rubbed his temples; stress and slight aggravation running his face. He brought out his flip phone, opening his messages to check if his previous co-worker had texted him anything.


The last text was sent by her, which was from days ago. She hasn't texted him anything. She could've at least told him she will be late.

Fukuzawa was legitimately thinking that she bailed on him. She did seem like she wasn't convinced at his words. He hoped that his words of convincing didn't go to a complete waste. He trusted her with all his might, but she could be a bit self-willed sometimes.

Fukuzawa glared at his phone, "Where the hell is she?"

The distant and faint ringing of a clock was heard throughout the office, indicating that it was now the workers' lunch break.

At times like these, some would go down to the café just below their building, some would go out and explore the city, and some would just stay in the office and eat their prepared lunch.

"This, Atsushi, is the most amazing café in all of Yokohama!" Dazai shouted out, making the Tanizaki siblings chuckle, "Their coffee here is really yummy." Naomi leaned on the table and talked to Atsushi who was sitting across from her.

"You should try some!" Dazai suggested, "I-I don't have any money on me right now though..." The brunet just chuckled, "Don't worry. Ill buy you one. On me." Dazai ordered a cup of coffee and gave it to Atsushi with a bright smile.

"I-I will pay you back in the future..." Atsushi mumbled out, "Don't worry, I'll just put this in my tab!"

"T-Tab?" Atsushi couldn't help but stutter when he saw a girl with brown hair in a maid suit appear behind Dazai with a horrifyingly cute smile. Dazai sweat dropped when he felt a strong presence behind him, making him turn around, "H-Hi!"

"Do you know how much you have in your tabs, Dazai?" The maid voiced out with a close eyed smile on her face," Do you want to know how much you owe us, Dazai-san?" He whimpered at the sight of his scary waitress, "N-No, dear. I would just like to know if you'd want to commit a dou-" Before he could finish his request, Kunikida gave him a punch on the arm; making his partner groan.

"Sorry about him. I'll pay Atsushi's drink" He payed the maid who nodded and went back to the cashier's counter.

"You're so nice Kunikida-kun..." Dazai groaned out, "Shut up."

While the members were chit-chatting and making the most of their break inside the café, a pair of eyes looked at them from the other side of the sidewalk.

"Fukuzawa is going to kill me for being so late."

ooOoo sorry you wont appear yet this chapter :(( maybe the next chapter? ;)) who knows ;))))

sincerely yours,


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