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"Alright everyone. Let's clean up."

Taiyo, along with the other members, groaned loudly—clearly not wanting to clean up the deeply ruined office space.

"But, Kunikida-" The blond cut the lazy brunette off, "No buts, Dazai. Just clean up before Fukuzawa-san returns."

Taiyo grabbed the broom, no evidence of happiness or joy whatsoever. That little interaction with Dazai made her flustered so much it came to the point that it frustrated her.

'Why does he even assume that I'll leave again? Past is past. Although he did look hella attractive when he-'

"Psst. Taiyo, you okay?" A certain raven haired girl nudged her with her elbow, breaking the little phrase she was saying in her head.

Taiyo looked at her friend, "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm alright." Yosano gave a smirk; leaning closer to the detective. "Y'know, all of us saw Dazai close the door on Atsushi—leaving you out there, all by yourselves."

Taiyo narrowed her eyes, "Not now, Yosano." The doctor groaned as she pinched Taiyo's arm, making her shriek out an "Ow!" Yosano walked away, grabbing a mop, and told her best friend to spill the story later.

Forgetting what just happened, Taiyo started sweeping the floor; taking all the glass shards and bullet shells to the dust pan. She grimaced at the amount of bullet shells that were in the dust pan, 'How powerful are these guys with guns?'

Walking over to the trash bin, she disposed of the bullet shells and shards. Something on her mind as usual.

Hours have passed since the clean up of the office. The members of the beloved ADA agency were hooked on the feeling of exhaustion.

The floor was swept and mopped clean, the chairs and desks were back in place, even the windows were brand new thanks to some of Kunikida's knowledge in carpentry.

Yet even though all the members tried to fix everything up before the president comes, he still managed to find out the minute he walked through the door.

"Were you attacked?"

Taiyo who acted like she was doing some work on her computer, choked on her saliva, making Yosano chuckle. "N-No, sir!" Tanizaki barged in when no one spoke a word.

"I see." He said as he put his hands together, "I was thinking to give you all the rest of the day off if you did."

Of course, the persevering detective couldn't take down such an opportunity. She wanted to rest and get away from Dazai's cold stares. Taiyo stood up quickly from her office chair, making it spin to the other desks.

"We did get attacked sir! Now, if you'll excuse us-" Taiyo said as she walked to the coat hanger and grabbed her beige coat, "I'll be visiting someone, good day!" She exited the room with a cheerful voice; clearly expressing the happiness she has the second she got out of the building.

The rest of the members stared at each other and blinked. Clearly startled by the detective's quick reaction to the president's proposal. He sighed, "Well, that settles it. Go and enjoy the rest of the day." He walked to his office, locking the door after doing so.

Little by little, the members packed their things and decided to go home, or go somewhere with someone. They were lucky that they were given a day off, since they don't get much rest when they do get a real day off. (yknow, fighting crime stuff)

Taiyo had someone in her mind, not just for today, but for the whole week. He's been running in her mind lately and she honestly couldn't handle it anymore.

The place she walked in was empty. Although it did have a gloomy vibe to it, the sun rays that shined through the cracks of the tree's leaves made it more gleeful. It was just the atmosphere that she needed.

She looked for the place that belonged to her best friend, careful not to step on any other friends that belonged to different people. Her partner in crime.

Kurishima Taiki
Taiyo's beloved husky.

On the way to the pet cemetery, the young woman grabbed some of her dog's beloved flowers and favorite pet treats, "Hey bud," Putting the things down, she tried so hard not to cry. "How you been? I'm sorry I haven't visited much. Been real busy."

She continued to talk to him whilst sitting crossed-legged on the grass in front of the tombstone. "I brought you your favorites. Know how much you love them."

Silence engulfed the small cemetery, adding more to the gloomy effect. Taiyo was known to be a strong, independent, woman. She was ashamed to be seen having even the smallest droplet of a tear in her eye, for she would worry about how others would see her.

Right now, if anyone were to see her in the state she is in, she couldn't live with herself.

Tears streamed down her rosy cheeks, her nose tainted pink from sniffing too much. She missed her best friend. Anyone would.

"Taiyo-san?" Hearing her name be called, she quickly sat m up and wiped her eyes furiously, making it more red. "Are you okay?"

"A-Atsushi! I-I'm fine." She said with a quiet sniffle, making Atsushi not so convinced. 'Damnit. A new subordinate just saw me bawling my eyes out like a baby.'

"W-What are you doing here?" She asked the usual nervous albino. Atsushi shuffled his feet and took his stand, "We-Well, Kunikida said that you forgot your bag in the office so," He walked towards her, giving her the bag, "here."

"I asked Ranpo-san where you would be and he told me I'll find you here."

Taiyo clutched the bag with a frown, yet when she looked up to Atsushi, she gave him the biggest smile she could muster. Giving the poor kid some blood and heat on the cheeks.

"Thank you, Atsushi. I'll be more careful next time." After she thanked him, she told him to go home and enjoy the rest day. He hesitated but nodded and walked on out of the gloomy area.

Taiyo paused and took a minute to calm herself down. She didnt feel the need to tell Atsushi that he saw nothing, for she felt at peace with him. She sighed as she turned back around to wallow more in self-despair.

Only to be met with a certain brunette sitting on the other end of the tombstone.

hola mi amigós! have this update hehe,, hell week will be tomorrow so ill update now so yall wont be waiting Hahahh anyways! Hope you enjoy this chapter! ♡

lav ya,

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