thirty three.

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While the rest of the crowd were too busy with the rude and obnoxious priest, the two friends subtly made their way to where Haru went.

Passing through a narrow alleyway down by the ramen shop, they tried to keep their footsteps silenced. "What do you think he wants? It's not like the Plague to just have one of their members out in the open?" Chuuya asked while calmly walking with hands in his pockets. "Maybe he craved some ramen as well?" The redheaded sighed, "Then why the hell is he going down to the plaza?" 

Luckily, the Changer didn't turn around and get alerted by the two frenemies stalking him. The two would've handled it well, but they would've been at risk as well due to his powers and the narrow alleyway.

Children laughing and running around while their parents gossiped and ate was what filled the plaza of Yokohama. Young and old couples were enjoying each other's company, while your usual foreigners took pictures for their social medias. "We need to get these people out of here." She groaned, "How?"

"A great day for blood, huh, Taiyo?" The changer, although with his back turned to them, yelled out with arms out of his pockets. Both of them widened their eyes, shocked that he found them out without even turning an eye around. "What'd you say you create some for me?" He turned around with an annoying smirk, throwing a little pin that Taiyo knew so well. "Little Mako got in the way of me getting some blood to use, so I had to take matters in my hands."

Her brows twitched at the dove pin she gave her student in self-defense. She didn't want to believe this. She taught him everything she could why did he just-?! "Now, now. Don't go all rage on me. Mako actually put up a good fight. Too bad the old man already ran away before I could get some blood from him, so I just had to get some from little Mako."

"The more blood you obtain, the more you could make bigger objects into that nauseating smell, right Haru?" Chuuya stepped in, noticing his friend's vein start to pop out in her arms and neck. "Correct. Someone did their research on me; quite annoying."

'Why? I taught him everything I could and he just- no. I'm proud that he put up a fight and I won't let his fight die in the rocks. I'm killing this smug bastard.' Tightening her grip, she choked out tears that had no choice but to fall to the ground. "Oh? The strongest member in the ADA crying? That's new. How annoying."

"Mama, what are they doing? Is it a street act?" Chuuya's eyes widened at the amount of people that had got their attention, "Looks like it, honey. You always wanted to be an actor, right?" The child nodded passionately, while Chuuya sweated terribly at the thought of these people getting crushed by a war of blood.

"Chuuya." His eyes snapped to the defeated looking detective. Years of their experience together in the mafia, he has always seen her strong and aggressively hot. All of the blood they've seen, the now cold bodies he's slaughtered, all of the bad memories she's witnessed along with disgusted expressions, could not compare to the look she has now. "Mm?"

"I want you to evacuate everyone within the area and get some backup." His eyes clearly expressed rejection of her proposal, "I can't leave you with him!" She narrowed her eyes, gripping tighter on her palms that blood dripped slightly. "I'll handle this fucktard. I've dealt with you assholes for 4 years, this guy is nothing compared to you." The changer loudly cleared his throat, seemingly to be bored about the situation. "Annoying. That's what you two are. Good thing I'm getting payed good for this; it's affecting my gaming session."

She raised her head up, a dark smirk on her graceful features. "Oh? Then how about we get this finished so that you'll have a good time playing?" She cracked her knuckles, low-key activating her gift. "That's considerate of you. Then-" He gasped out as a thin line of blood surrounded his neck, hardening and gripping tighter as she spoke. "What do you want?"

He tried to scratch off the thin line off, it made it harder to breathe for him even for such a thin straight. "I-I don't kn-know what you-," He coughed out, getting some oxygen for a short while. "-mean."

She chuckled, seeing at the corner of her eye that the men and women they saw earlier were now being discarded away by a thick red outline. She made a mental note to thank Chuuya for handling the citizens with such care. Taiyo wondered that he alerted them of the situation before he lifted them up in the air, in which he probably didn't.

Tightening her blood that she let out earlier by the grip of her nails, she grunted out in annoyance. "You know what I mean. What does this Fumiko want from us?" The smug plague member choked out a laugh. "We don't want you and your men to do something. We simply want the world to be an equal one where there are no ability users." Cringing at the thought, she tightened and tightened, Haru gasping and grunting louder than before.

"So you simply want the world to be an even ratio? You do know that by writing that in the page, you'll get wiped away too?" He nodded smugly, obnoxiously saying that that was the point in this war.

"Why did you so easily tell me this?"

He smirked, "Because your backup won't be coming anytime soon." Even though she let her guard down for a millisecond by confusing herself, he kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying just what the Amphibian did. 'Jesus, why do these people have such a strong kick?!'

She held her stomach, in hopes of calming the insides down since it got jumbled quite a bit. 'I need to hold him down while backup oh so slowly comes.' Strong wind overcame her thoughts, loud propellers and engine blared in her eardrums. Looking up, she saw a helicopter so low in a plaza, a woman with bright ginger hair hung from the ladders that the copter dropped. 'Greeeeaaaaat. Now, Ms. Leader decided to show up now that I'm slightly down.'

"Nice to meet you, Taiyo-san." She gracefully dropped down the rather-high ladder, and Taiyo wondered how she did so with those killer heels. "I see you're doing fine." Said detective stood up with obvious signs of struggle, her right hand holding her stomach for relief. She already hated this woman's sarcasm. "I am. Glad you noticed." She returned back with a frustrated smirk.

"How about we have a small chat while your backup goes their way here?"

"I'd love to."

shits bout to get real 😳 hope some people still read up till here lmAO HAJSJS 

the plague's true intent of this war was revealed! does their goal seem familiar to you? 🤔

love you all! follow my twitter (@muserryy) for more anime content!

yours sincerely,

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