thirty seven.

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Two weeks.

It has been two weeks since the disappearance of the great detective, Kurishima Taiyo.

Some gossiping wives have assumed her to already be dead right now, and it infuriated the ADA and a redheaded executive to the extent that they want to put them in their place.

No one knew where she had gone, or why she did so. Some assumed that she decided to go back to where she had come from now that the fight was done; but where else could she have gone to? As usual, her skill of not leaving any clues behind (besides the note) was used well that not even Ranpo could find out where she is.

It was like the two year disappearance all over again.

The ADA were on edge every single day. Each member kept on looking at the telephone; hoping for a call about the young lady's disappearance. So far, the closest call they've gotten was an old lady that mistook a businesswoman as Taiyo. They couldn't blame her, she had the same outfit as her.

A young detective sighed, worried and tired of the fact that no one was called  their office since sunrise. "You think we'll be able to find her soon?" The blond man next to him sighed tiredly as well, "I don't know anymore. All we're holding on to right now is the hope that she's still alive." He stood from his seat and left to do his own work thing; leaving the albino anxious.

Atsushi faced to the detective to his right, "Dazai-san, shouldn't we do something?" The brunet answered after a while since he was too busy folding a paper crane. "We have, Atsushi. Too bad that woman has the best skill of disappearance in the country." The albino played with his fingers in distress. "Have we asked her relatives?" Dazai nodded, saying that even those men had no clue where she could have gone to.

Just then, a very uneasy and upset Ranpo walked in the office. Atsushi stood up from his chair with glints in his eyes; in hopes of him announcing any clues they've found. "Ranpo-san! Any improvement?" The man with stunning green eyes was never stressed, but he can't wrap his head that one of his best complimenters* had gone missing. Plus, things at the office became more interesting when she was around. Now, it was like what it was two years ago. Boring and empty.

[headcanon that ranpo calls the people who compliment him "complimenters"]

He greeted Atsushi with a worn out look, "None, kid. Taiyo is a genius when it comes to this it's annoying." Atsushi sighed along with his senior, "What the hell is she doing?"

"You think that getting out of these cuffs is the easy, Blood Witch?"

Spitting blood at her captor, him backing a few feet back to not get any in his exhausted face. "Damn, some people still call me that? That name is 4 years old." The man, better known as the Animal scoffed, choosing to ignore her statement. "Years old or not, it really fits you." Taiyo deadpanned at him, choosing to ignore the sentence instead of retorting back. "Ever tried on getting some sleep, kid? Jesus, your eyebags are bigger than my ego."

He choked on his spit, very much offended by her comments on his facial features. "My sleeping schedule is none of your concern." Taiyo scoffed back, "I'm surprised you get any." Kou snapped his head back to hers, offended by her words again.

Punching her quickly in the face again, he scolded her while she smirked back. "For the final time, why didn't things go our way? Why did Fumiko die? Why did your side win? Why-"

Taiyo groaned loudly, "Jesus, kid! Slow the fuck down! And for the last time, I don't fucking know!" She yelled back frustrated from the whole situation, while she just received another punch from the boy. "C'mon you obviously know! You think lying to these eyes will work?"

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