In a Mental Instituit

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I had been in the mental hospital for two days now. They are hoping to release me tommorrow. I had been pretending to be happy the whole time. I had to die, it was the only way I would ever be truly happy. Death was the only way I could finaly feel at peace with myself. My mom, Mr. Aizwaw, All Might, Gran Torino and a few of the teachers came to see me. Hell, even Present Mic and Cementos came to see how I was doing. Todoroki was the only student that they would alow to come see me. Of course, I pretended to be happier with them as well. My acting skills seem to have gotten better so it's easier for me to fool them.
A part of me hated lying to them, but I didn't want them to worry about me. Like they ever would care though. It was currently about 3:30 and we were all in our rooms while the staff were having a shift change. My roommate, Haru, was currently taking a nap. They gave us each little blue stress balls and so to pass the time, I was tossing it against the wall and catching it. Sometimes I throw it at a different angle just to change things up a bit. I heard one of the nurses coming so I quickly put on my usual fake grin. She walked in to check on me and my roommate and see how we were doing. Haru was still sleeping and I decided not to wake him.
           My mom brought me a new manga series that she thought I might like called The Gifted Few. It's about a orphan boy named Okami, who also happens to be transgender. He has the ablility to shapeshift into anything as long as he has consumed some of its DNA. In this world, people with these abilities are thought of as monsters. They do the same things that normal people do, except that they have to hide their abilities. If they are found out, they could be captured by hunters, and taken to a prison-like experiment facility. In these facilities, they get all sorts of cruel experiments performed on them. Okami is a part of an organization working to not only free those who have been captured, but to eventually bring peace to the world.
           Unfortunately, Okami experienced something traumatic early in his lifetime and he has nightmares about it. He decides to train hard so that he could prevent others from having to go through what he did. He also wants to put an end to the war between those with special abilities, and normal humans. Me and Okami aren't really that different. We both want to help people, we both are depressed, and we are both in the LGBTQ+ community. I think mom got this series for me because Okami is a character I can relate to and she thought I would like the story, which I do.
           I heard a little shuffle from my roommates side and then heard him say, " Oh, hey Midoryia." I looked over at Haru. He is a pretty chill, easy-going guy. He has black messy hair, big round glasses, and freckles littering his nose and cheeks.
" Hey Haru. You slept for a while, room time is almost over." I said.
"Huh? What time is it?" He asked.
" Almost 4:30 pm. My guess is that any second now it will be recreational time." I responded.
" Oh, I might draw or paint today. What are you thinking about doing?" He said sounding curious.
" I don't know. Maybe I'll just draw or continue reading my manga." I told him.
  Just then a nurse walked in. " Rec time." She smiled and walked away.
           Me and Haru got up from our beds and walked over to the front of our unit and got in line with the other patients. From what I know, the hospital is divided up into four units: unit A, unit B, unit C which is the one I am in, and Unit D. During rec time, visitors can come and meet us in the small indoor basket ball court. We started walking to the court in our little line. When we got there, I saw Todoroki, and my Mom waiting for me. I walked over to them smiling. Todoroki always has a way of making me happy whenever he is around, and I really wish that I could tell him how I feel. He will never love a loser like you! All of them are just pitying you! You even made Todoroki skip school to come visit you! Your too weak to handle your own problems and because of that, you caused them to get dragged into this! Your just a worthless piece of shit!
            That little voice in my head is right. I'm just a nobody. No one would care. " Hey Midoryia, how are you doing?" Todoroki asked.
" Oh, I'm actually doing great!" I lied. I was not ok. I really wanted to die.
" Good to hear! By the way, Izuku, how are you liking the manga series I got for you?" Mom asked.
" It's actually pretty good. Thanks for getting for me." I said while faking the best smile I could.
            We talked for a while, and even though I had planned to draw or read my manga, I ended up playing some basket ball with Todoroki and some of the other teens while my mom just watched us from the sideline. I didn't know that Todoroki was so good at basket ball, he was making three pointers every few seconds! Someone then passed the ball to me and I took a shot. It missed but I was kinda expecting that. After all, I'm a failure at everything. Your so useless! You can't even make a single basket!
             Rec time was over and it was time to say goodbye to Todoroki and My mom. I hugged my mom, and then blushed a bit as I hugged Todoroki. I then had to go back to my unit with the others. I must admit that I had a pretty good time playing basketball with Todoroki. Now that it's over, I can feel myself becoming more and more depressed again. Tomorrow you get out of this place! You should go kill yourself as soon as you can. Yeah, I should kill myself soon.
            When we get back to our rooms I have to get ready to take a shower, which I am really not happy about, but the staff make sure that we are showering at least every other day. No one except the staff knew about me being trans. Even though each room had it's own bathroom, I still had to be careful about my roommate. Your not even a real boy! I wanted to cry and I wanted to cut, but there wasn't anything I could cut myself with. I can't wait to get out of here. I can't wait until I'm finally dead.

I was thinking about making a manga series in the future, let me know what you guys think about it. I'm still working on developing most of the storyline and some of the character designs. I made the main character gay and trans to kinda help advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and equality.

Don't Cry (Trans!depressed Deku x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now